Flow is the library to run and manage async workflows
- Triggers workflow runs in an idempotent fashion.
- Ensures partial failures do not compromise the integrity of the system.
- Ensures retries are performed without adverse side-effects.
- Supports concurrent executions of the workflow.
- Enables execution of a flow described as a JSON.
- Enables execution of arbitrary Handlers that executes the discrete steps of the flow.
- Performs status checks of the overarching flow as well as the discrete tasks.
- Performs retries and error handling strategies as described by the flow definition.
- Can be included as a drop in library to the existing services.
- Will initialize its own dependencies upon startup.
StartRun(flow Flow, context FlowContext, handlerMap *HandlerMap) (RunID, error)
- Flow: The graph of steps to be executed by the runner.
- FlowContext: The map of input context needed by the flow to execute.
- HandlerMap: The mapping of the step name to the handler associated with it.
- RunID: The id of the running flow after a successful acceptance by the runner.
- Error: Error indicating any issues accepting the flow to be run.
The runner has a sync path and an async path.
Sync path:
- Generate RunID
- Generate Task Graph from the flow definition.
- Validate the Task Graph.
- Persist the TaskGraph in the underlying store.
- Trigger the run by passing the runID, context and handlerMap to the trigger.
Async path: The flow trigger orchestrates the async flow by coordinating the interaction between the following three components:
- Polls the WorkflowRun table to check whether the flow was committed as indicated by the RunID
- Checks if the WorkflowRun is in SUBMITTED state.
- Flips the WorkflowRun state to INPROGRESS and persists the payload in the WorkflowRun table.
- Submits the initial TaskRuns along with the stored context to the TaskRun supervisor to be executed.
- Waits for completion or errors from the batch from the TaskRun supervisor.
- Upon a successful completion, retrieves the next set of tasks from the TaskRun table.
- Upon an error, logs and mark the Run as FAILED.
- If there are no next set of tasks, mark the Run as DONE. and exit out of the supervisor.
- Receives task batch ids from the Supervisor.
- Receives the context from the Supervisor.
- Spawns the requisite TaskRunner routines by passing it the TaskID and the context.
- Waits for either an error or a completion context from the TaskRunner.
- When it receives a CompletionContext from the taskRunner, it is merged to form a StepContext which is sent back to the Supervisor.
- If an error is received, the runContext is shutdown for all the TaskRunners and the error is sent back to the supervisor.
- Once there are no more Tasks, the merged completion context is sent back to the supervisor, and the TaskBatchSupervisor is shutdown.
- Receives a TaskRunID and context from the TaskBatchSupervisor
- Retrieves the TaskRun from the TaskRun table and checks for SUBMITTED state.
- Flips the state of the TaskRun to InProgress and persists the state.
- Retrieves the handler for the stepName from the HandlerMap.
- Executes the handler by passing the context to it.
- Waits for the handler to be executed by checking the status.
- Upon encountering an error while executing the handler, the task status will be set to 'FAILED', and the error will be sent up to the TaskBatchSupervisor.
- Upon receiving a 'DONE' or 'FAILED' from the status check
- If 'FAILED', the taskun state will be set to 'FAILED', and an error will be sent to the TaskBatchSupervisor
- If 'DONE', the taskrun state will be set to 'DONE', and the StepContext will be sent back to the TaskBatchSupervisor
Given a json flow definition as follows. The definition for the workflow should consist of the following attributes:
First things first, lets see how can a struct be generated dynamically.
-> Shape of the context -> Shape of the request -> Shape of the response -> Shape of the API -> The steps to be executed as part of the workflow
The generator will create the following artifacts:
- The struct for the context.
- The struct for the request.
- The struct for the response.
- The interface for the API which will include the structs as part of its signature.
- The workflow struct that encapsulates the steps. The step interface is the property of the workflow runner.
- Handler interfaces for the steps. These need to be implemented by the user and injected.
- An initial implementation of the API that
{ "context": { "unitname":"string", "accountid":"string" }, "flow": "createunit", "steps": [ {"name":"createnamespace", "isstart":true, "next":[] } ] }
This should generate a couple of artifacts under cloudblox.generator/createunit
service.go This will contain the necessary service interfaces. In the case of CreateUnit it will be:
type CreateUnitService interface { StartCreateUnit(StartCreateUnitRequest) StartCreateUnitResponse GetCreateUnit(GetCreateUnitRequest) GetCreateUnitResponse }
Some of the struct definitions will be defined as well: type struct CreateUnitContext { UnitName string, AccountID string, }
type StartCreateUnitRequest struct { Context CreateUnitContext }
type StartCreateUnitResponse struct { RunID string, }
type GetUnitRequest struct { RunID string, }
type GetUnitResponse struct { Context CreateUnitContext, StepName string, Status string, }
createunitworkflow.go type CreateUnitWorkflow struct { start []Steps, }
createnamespacestep.go. This will contain the struct which will implement the step interface as follows: type Step interface { Name() string IsStart() bool Next() []Step }
type NewCreateNamespaceStep(handler CreateNamespaceHandler) Step { return &createNamespaceStep{ handler: handler, } }
type createNamespaceStep struct { handler CreateNamespaceHandler, }
func (cn *createNamespaceStep) Name() string { return "createnamespace" }
func (cn *createNamespaceStep) IsStart() bool { return true }
func (cn *createNamespaceStep Next() []Step { return []Step{} }
type CreateNamespaceHandler interface { Execute(CreateUnitContext) (CreateUnitContext, error) Status(CreateUnitContext) (CreateUnitContext, error) }