Set up your development tools by following the steps in this article:
Clone the repository to a folder on your local pc and then open the folder in a command prompt.
Install project dependencies by running the following command
npm install
In the src folder, create a file config.json (see config.json.example for a sample).
"auth" : {
auth.username: Your Mendix login (i.e. your email address)
auth.apikey: An api key that you have generated for your Mendix login (not a project api key)
"branch": ""
} The id of your project The name of your project
project.branch: The name of the branch you want to use (or empty string for the main line)
Compile and run the script by running the following command:
npm start
The script will do the following:
- create a folder called 'out' if it doesn't already exist
- create a folder named after the project. If one already exists the script will exit.
- iterate over every ModuleSecurity and ModuleDocument object and store them in module specific sub folders under the project.