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Upcoming Work

Todd Palino edited this page Jun 2, 2015 · 2 revisions

There are a number of features that we would like to add to Burrow in the near future. This page serves a list of the things that we know we want to add, so if you feel like contributing some code, please pick one off and open a pull request! Or come up with something new that we haven't thought of yet.

  • HTTP Endpoint - offsets An endpoint on the HTTP server which can receive POST requests as a complex request for broker and consumer offsets. There is a specific request format needed for this endpoint, so please ask before working on it.
  • Zookeeper Transaction Log streaming
  • HTTPS Support
  • Authentication
  • Offset commit Provide the ability to set offsets for a consumer group. This can either be to set to an explicit offset for each partition, set the offsets back a percentage of the total log (the difference between broker TAIL and HEAD offsets), or set the offsets based on a timestamp. This can also be used for consumer group creation.
  • Consumer group deletion