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http request consumer group status

Iouri Goussev edited this page Oct 9, 2018 · 10 revisions


Consumer Group Status


This endpoint returns the current status of the consumer group, based on evaluation of all partitions it consumes. The evaluation is performed on request, and the result is calculated based on the consumer lag evaluation rules.

There are two versions of this request. The endpoint "/status" will return an object that only includes the partitions that are in a bad state. The endpoint "/lag" will return an object that includes all partitions for the consumer, regardless of the evaluated state of the partition. The second version can be used for full reporting of consumer message lag on all partitions.

URL path

GET /v3/kafka/(cluster)/consumer/(group)/status or GET /v3/kafka/(cluster)/consumer/(group)/lag


Name Format Description
cluster string The name of a Kafka cluster, as returned by the List Clusters request.
group string The name of a Kafka consumer group, as returned by the List Consumers request.


The response contains an status key whose value is a map containing the results and details on which partitions are not in a good state:

  "error": false,
  "message": "consumer group status returned",
  "status": {
    "cluster": "clustername",
    "group": "groupname",
    "status": "WARN",
    "complete": 1.0,
    "maxlag": {
      "complete": 1,
      "current_lag": 0,
      "end": {
        "lag": 25,
        "offset": 2542,
        "timestamp": 1511780580382
      "owner": "",
      "partition": 0,
      "start": {
        "lag": 20,
        "offset": 2526,
        "timestamp": 1511200836090
      "status": "WARN",
      "topic": "topicA"
    "partitions": [
        "complete": 1,
        "current_lag": 0,
        "end": {
          "lag": 25,
          "offset": 2542,
          "timestamp": 1511780580382
        "owner": "",
        "partition": 0,
        "start": {
          "lag": 20,
          "offset": 2526,
          "timestamp": 1511200836090
        "status": "WARN",
        "topic": "topicA"
  "request": {
    "url": "/v3/kafka/clustername/consumer/groupname/status",
    "host": "",

The status fields are a short string describing the status of either the group or partition. Valid strings are:

  • NOTFOUND - The group is not found for this cluster
  • OK - The group or partition is in a good state
  • WARN - The group or partition is in a warning state. For example, the offsets are moving but lag is increasing
  • ERR - The group is in an error state. For example, the offsets have stopped for one or more partitions but lag is non-zero
  • STOP - The partition has stopped. For example, the offsets have not been committed in a long period of time
  • STALL - The partition has stalled. For example, the offsets are being committed, but they are not changing and the lag is non-zero

The maxlag field contains a partition status object that describes the partition that currently has the highest ending lag.

Partition objects contain detailed information about a single partition and offset commits. This includes the following fields:

  • topic - the topic name
  • partition - the numeric partition ID
  • owner - the client host that owns this partition
  • complete - a value between 0 and 1 showing the percentage of information Burrow has on this partition
  • current_lag - the current lag for this partition
  • status - the status string (as described above) for this partition
  • start - the first offset (oldest) in the interval that Burrow is storing for this partition
  • end - the last offset (youngest) in the interval

The start and end objects are exactly the same. They contain a timestamp for the offset commit, the numeric offset committed, and the lag that was calculated for the partition at the time of the offset commit.

Possible errors

  • Cluster Not Found If an unknown cluster name is provided, a 404 error will be returned with a JSON response body.
  • Group Not Found If an unknown consumer group name is provided, a 404 error will be returned with a JSON response body.
  • JSON Encoding Error If there is a failure encoding the JSON response, a 500 error will be returned with a JSON response body.