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Migrating existing LinkedPipes ETL instance to a new IRI scheme

Jakub Klímek edited this page Oct 30, 2017 · 1 revision

Migrating existing LinkedPipes ETL instance to a new IRI scheme

Sometimes it is necessary to migrate an existing LP-ETL instance to a new IRI scheme. An example of such a situation may be implementing a reverse proxy, HTTPS, password protection or simply moving the entire instance to another server. You can use this guide to preserve pipelines, templates and executions, which need to be rewritten using the new IRI scheme. Using the defaults and demonstrating on changing from http://localhost:8090 to https://localhost

  1. Update to reflect the new IRI scheme.

    vi /opt/lp/etl/deploy/

    and change from

    executor.execution.uriPrefix = http://localhost:8090/resources/executions/
    domain.uri = http://localhost:8090


    executor.execution.uriPrefix = https://localhost/resources/executions/
    domain.uri = https://localhost

    to reflect the new IRI scheme.

  2. in {data}/working run

    find . -name *.jsonld | xargs sed -i 's_http://localhost:8090_https://localhost_g'
    find . -name *.trig | xargs sed -i 's_http://localhost:8090_https://localhost_g'
  3. in {data}/storage run

    find . -name *.trig | xargs sed -i 's_http://localhost:8090_https://localhost_g'
  4. Restart LP-ETL and you are done