alea is a tiny gem that aim to bring some aleatory behavior to ruby Kernel.
Alea - Greek soldier (From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia): "Alea was a Greek soldier who reputedly invented the dicing game 'Tabula'.This is the origin of the name aléatoire, meaning random.
´sudo gem install alea´
require 'alea' # Add between 10 and 25 friends to a user @user.add_friends rand_within(10..25) # 75% chances of this happens frequently do update_profile(@user) end # 65% chances of this happens probably do @group.activate! end # 20% chances of this happens rarely do generate_404 end # 5% chances of this happens almost_never do grant_admin_privileges(@user) end # 95% chances of this happens almost_always do post_incorrect_data_for_captcha end # 50% chances of true @group.moderated = maybe # Calculate rounded percents send_mail_to 20.percent.of(the_community)
PS: I will probably give the option of set custom % via Alea::PROBABLY, Alea::RARELY etc. soon.
This code is based and inspired on some chunks of code appeared on the always entertaining, brilliant and funny tumblelog.
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