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Proposal 869: pattern-matching syntax (#908)
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This patch implements named and anonymous switch functions, which provide convenient syntax for defining functions on a case-by-case basis on their input.

Closes #869.
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Emanon42 authored Sep 4, 2020
1 parent d4fe547 commit f978d45
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Showing 20 changed files with 338 additions and 78 deletions.
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Expand Up @@ -59,17 +59,14 @@ let unwrap_def (bndr, linearity, (tyvars, lam), location) =
let ft = Binder.to_type bndr in
let rt = TypeUtils.return_type ft in
let lam =
let rec make_lam t : funlit -> funlit =
| ([_ps], _body) as lam -> lam
| (ps::pss, body) ->
let g = gensym ~prefix:"_fun_" () in
let rt = TypeUtils.return_type t in
([ps], block
([fun_binding' ~linearity ~location (binder ~ty:t g)
(make_lam rt (pss, body))],
freeze_var g))
| _, _ -> assert false
let rec make_lam t funlit =
match funlit with
| NormalFunlit ([ps], body) -> NormalFunlit ([ps], body)
| NormalFunlit (ps::pss, body) ->
let g = gensym ~prefix:"_fun_" () in
let rt = TypeUtils.return_type t in
NormalFunlit ([ps], block ([fun_binding' ~linearity ~location (binder ~ty:t g) (make_lam rt (NormalFunlit (pss, body)))], freeze_var g))
| _ -> assert false
in make_lam rt lam
in (binder ~ty:ft f, linearity, (tyvars, lam), location)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -141,7 +138,7 @@ object (o : 'self_type)
let tyvars = SugarQuantifier.mk_resolved [ab; rhob; effb] in
let e : phrasenode =
([fun_binding' ~tyvars:tyvars (binder ~ty:ft f) (pss, body)],
([fun_binding' ~tyvars:tyvars (binder ~ty:ft f) (NormalFunlit (pss, body))],
freeze_var f)
in (o, e, ft)
| e -> super#phrasenode e
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -186,13 +183,13 @@ object
| e -> super#phrasenode e

method! bindingnode = function
| Fun { fun_definition = (_, ([_], _)); _ } as b -> super#bindingnode b
| Fun { fun_definition = (_, (NormalFunlit ([_], _))); _ } as b -> super#bindingnode b
| Fun _ -> {< has_no_funs = false >}
| Funs defs as b ->
| {WithPos.node={ rec_definition = (_, ([_], _)); _ }; _ } -> false
| {WithPos.node={ rec_definition = (_, (NormalFunlit ([_], _))); _ }; _ } -> false
| _ -> true) defs
{< has_no_funs = false >}
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Expand Up @@ -172,7 +172,8 @@ object (o : 'self_type)
let o = o#with_visiting (StringSet.add (Binder.to_name rec_binder) visiting_funs) in
let (o, tyvars) = o#quantifiers tyvars in
let (o, inner) = o#datatype inner in
let inner_effects = TransformSugar.fun_effects inner (fst lam) in
let lam_in = Sugartypes.get_normal_funlit lam in
let inner_effects = TransformSugar.fun_effects inner (fst lam_in) in
let (o, lam, _) = o#funlit inner_effects lam in
let o = o#restore_quantifiers outer_tyvars in
let o = o#with_visiting visiting_funs in
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Expand Up @@ -307,16 +307,19 @@ and desugar ?(toplevel=false) (renamer' : Epithet.t) (scope' : Scope.t) =
raise (Errors.module_error ~pos (Printf.sprintf "Unbound module %s" (Scope.Resolve.best_guess path)))

method! funlit : funlit -> funlit
= fun (paramss, body) ->
let visitor = self#clone in
let paramss' =
(fun params -> (fun param -> visitor#pattern param) params)
let body' = visitor#phrase body in
(paramss', body')
= fun f ->
match f with
| NormalFunlit (paramss, body) ->
let visitor = self#clone in
let paramss' =
(fun params -> (fun param -> visitor#pattern param) params)
let body' = visitor#phrase body in
NormalFunlit (paramss', body')
| _ -> assert false

method cases : (Pattern.with_pos * phrase) list -> (Pattern.with_pos * phrase) list
= fun cases ->
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@@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
open Sugartypes
open Utility
open SourceCode

(* This module desugars pattern-matching functions
This transformation convert `switch` functions of the form:
fun foo(a1, ..., an) switch {
case (p1_1, ..., p1_n) -> b_1
case (pm_1, pm_n) -> b_m
to standard functions of the form:
fun foo(a1 as x1, ..., an as xn) {
switch ((x1, ..., xn)) {
case (p1_1, ..., p1_n) -> b_1
case (pm_1, ..., pm_n) -> b_m
case (_, ..., _) -> error("non-exhaustive")
The last non-exhaustive case with wild card pattern is always attached to the end of switch body.

let with_pos = SourceCode.WithPos.make

let pattern_matching_sugar =
flag "pattern_matching_sugar"
|> synopsis
"Toggles whether to enable the switch pattern matching syntax sugar"
|> convert parse_bool
|> sync)

let pattern_matching_sugar_guard pos =
let pattern_matching_sugar_disabled pos =
Errors.disabled_extension ~pos ~setting:("pattern_matching_sugar", true) "Pattern Matching Sugar"
if not (Settings.get pattern_matching_sugar)
then raise (pattern_matching_sugar_disabled pos)

let nullary_guard pss pos =
let nullary_error pos =
Errors.desugaring_error ~pos:pos ~stage:Errors.DesugarSwitchFuns ~message:"Can't match over nullary function"
match pss with
| [] -> raise (nullary_error pos)
| _ -> ()

let switch_fun_currying_guard pos args =
match args with
| [arg] -> arg
| _ -> raise (Errors.Type_error (pos, "Curried switch functions are not yet supported."))

let construct_normal_funlit funlit_pos patterns cases =
pattern_matching_sugar_guard funlit_pos;
let patterns = switch_fun_currying_guard funlit_pos patterns in
nullary_guard patterns funlit_pos;
(* bind the arguments with unique var name *)
let pat_first_pos = WithPos.pos (List.nth patterns 0) in
let name_list = (fun pat -> (pat, Utility.gensym())) patterns in
let switch_tuple = (fun (_, name) -> with_pos (Var name)) name_list in
(* assemble exhaustive handler *)
let exhaustive_patterns = with_pos (Pattern.Any) in
let exhaustive_position = Format.sprintf "non-exhaustive pattern matching at %s" ( funlit_pos) in
let exhaustive_case = FnAppl (with_pos (Var "error"), [with_pos (Constant (CommonTypes.Constant.String exhaustive_position))]) in
let normal_args =
(fun (pat, name) -> with_pos (Pattern.As (with_pos ~pos:funlit_pos (Binder.make ~name ()), pat)))
let cases = cases@[(exhaustive_patterns, with_pos exhaustive_case)] in
let switch_body = Switch (with_pos ~pos:pat_first_pos (TupleLit switch_tuple), cases, None) in
let normal_fnlit = NormalFunlit ([normal_args], with_pos ~pos:funlit_pos switch_body) in

let desugar_switching =
object ((self : 'self_type))
inherit as super
method! binding = fun b ->
let pos = WithPos.pos b in
match WithPos.node b with
| Fun ({ fun_definition = (tvs, SwitchFunlit (patterns, cases)); _ } as fn) ->
let normal_fnlit = construct_normal_funlit pos patterns cases in
let normal_fnlit = self#funlit normal_fnlit in
let node = Fun { fun_binder = fn.fun_binder;
fun_linearity = fn.fun_linearity;
fun_definition = (tvs, normal_fnlit);
fun_location = fn.fun_location;
fun_signature = fn.fun_signature;
fun_unsafe_signature = fn.fun_unsafe_signature;
fun_frozen = fn.fun_frozen;
} in
WithPos.make ~pos node
| _ -> super#binding b

method! phrase = fun p ->
let pos = WithPos.pos p in
match WithPos.node p with
| FunLit (typing, linearity, SwitchFunlit (patterns, cases), loc) ->
let normal_fnlit = construct_normal_funlit pos patterns cases in
let normal_fnlit = self#funlit normal_fnlit in
let node = FunLit (typing, linearity, normal_fnlit, loc) in
WithPos.make ~pos node
| _ -> super#phrase p

module Untyped
= Transform.Untyped.Make.Transformer(struct
let name = "desugar_switch_functions"
let obj = desugar_switching
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions core/desugarSwitchFuns.mli
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@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
val desugar_switching :

include Transform.Untyped.S
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions core/
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Expand Up @@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ type sugar_error_stage =
| CheckXML
| DesugarInners
| DesugarModules
| DesugarSwitchFuns

let string_of_stage = function
| DesugarFormlets -> "compiling formlets"
Expand All @@ -26,6 +27,7 @@ let string_of_stage = function
| CheckXML -> "checking XML"
| DesugarInners -> "desugaring inner types"
| DesugarModules -> "desugaring modules"
| DesugarSwitchFuns -> "desugaring pattern-matching"

exception RuntimeError of string
exception UndefinedVariable of string
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1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions core/errors.mli
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Expand Up @@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ type sugar_error_stage =
| CheckXML
| DesugarInners
| DesugarModules
| DesugarSwitchFuns

exception RuntimeError of string
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Expand Up @@ -125,6 +125,7 @@ module Untyped = struct
let transformers : transformer array
= [| (module ResolvePositions)
; (module CheckXmlQuasiquotes)
; (module DesugarSwitchFuns)
; (module DesugarModules)
; (module Shunting)
; (module Collect_FFI_Files)
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5 changes: 3 additions & 2 deletions core/
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Expand Up @@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ let is_static _typ p =
if body contains any external references. If it does, then it is dynamic,
otherwise it is static. *)
match WithPos.node p with
| S.FunLit (_, _, ([ [ var ] ], body), _) -> (
| S.FunLit (_, _, Sugartypes.NormalFunlit ([ [ var ] ], body), _) -> (
let var = WithPos.node var in
match var with
| S.Pattern.Variable x -> no_ext_deps x body
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -105,13 +105,14 @@ let rec lens_sugar_phrase_of_body v p =

let lens_sugar_phrase_of_sugar p =
( match WithPos.node p with
| S.FunLit (_, _, ([ [ var ] ], body), _) -> (
| S.FunLit (_, _, Sugartypes.NormalFunlit ([ [ var ] ], body), _) -> (
let var = WithPos.node var in
match var with
| S.Pattern.Variable x ->
lens_sugar_phrase_of_body (S.Binder.to_name x) body
| _ ->
Format.asprintf "Unsupported binder: %a" S.pp_phrase p
|> Error.internal_error_res )
| S.FunLit (_, _, Sugartypes.SwitchFunlit (_, _), _) -> assert false
| _ -> lens_sugar_phrase_of_body "" p )
|> Result.ok_exn
11 changes: 11 additions & 0 deletions core/parser.mly
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Expand Up @@ -426,6 +426,8 @@ fun_declarations:
| tlfunbinding { fun_binding ~ppos:$loc($1) None $1 }
| signatures tlfunbinding { fun_binding ~ppos:$loc($2) (fst $1) ~unsafe_sig:(snd $1) $2 }
| switch_tlfunbinding { switch_fun_binding ~ppos:$loc($1) None $1 }
| signatures switch_tlfunbinding { switch_fun_binding ~ppos:$loc($2) (fst $1) ~unsafe_sig:(snd $1) $2 }

| FUN { dl_unl }
Expand All @@ -443,6 +445,12 @@ tlfunbinding:
| OP OPERATOR pattern perhaps_location block { ((dl_unl, false), $2, [[$3]], $4, $5) }
| OP pattern OPERATOR perhaps_location block { ((dl_unl, false), $3, [[$2]], $4, $5) }

| fun_kind VARIABLE arg_lists perhaps_location switch_funlit_body { ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5) }


| VAR VARIABLE perhaps_location EQ exp { (PatName $2, $5, $3) }

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -547,6 +555,7 @@ primary_expression:
| LBRACKET exp DOTDOT exp RBRACKET { with_pos $loc (RangeLit($2, $4)) }
| xml { $1 }
| linearity arg_lists block { fun_lit ~ppos:$loc $1 $2 $3 }
| linearity arg_lists switch_funlit_body { switch_fun_lit ~ppos:$loc $1 $2 $3 }
| LEFTTRIANGLE cp_expression RIGHTTRIANGLE { with_pos $loc (CP $2) }
| DOLLAR primary_expression { with_pos $loc (Generalise $2) }

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -829,6 +838,8 @@ binding:
| exp SEMICOLON { with_pos $loc (Exp $1) }
| signatures fun_kind VARIABLE arg_lists block { fun_binding ~ppos:$loc (fst $1) ~unsafe_sig:(snd $1) ($2, $3, $4, loc_unknown, $5) }
| fun_kind VARIABLE arg_lists block { fun_binding ~ppos:$loc None ($1, $2, $3, loc_unknown, $4) }
| signatures fun_kind VARIABLE arg_lists switch_funlit_body { switch_fun_binding ~ppos:$loc (fst $1) ~unsafe_sig:(snd $1) ($2, $3, $4, loc_unknown, $5) }
| fun_kind VARIABLE arg_lists switch_funlit_body { switch_fun_binding ~ppos:$loc None ($1, $2, $3, loc_unknown, $4) }
| typedecl SEMICOLON | links_module
| links_open SEMICOLON { $1 }

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