Welcome to Orange Pi Build System,A good place to start in the Linux world with Orange Pi.
Have fun with your ideas and build your own Linux system.
OrangePi R1
OrangePi Zero
OrangePi One
OrangePi Lite
OrangePi Pc
OrangePi Plus
OrangePi Pc Plus
OrangePi Plus 2E
OrangePi Zero Plus2 H3
OrangePi Pc 2
OrangePi Prime
OrangePi Zero Plus
OrangePi Zero Plus2 H5
OrangePi Win
OrangePi Win Plus
OrangePi 3
OrangePi Lite 2
OrangePi One Plus
OrangePi 4
OrangePi 4B
OrangePi RK3399
OrangePi I96
OrangePi 2G-IOT
- OrangePi 3G-IOT
- OrangePi 4G-IOT
It's easy to build your own Linux distro with the Orange Pi Build System.
You need only follow these steps:
Download source code for your Orange Pi Board.
Clone this repository and run the build scripts to download the source code for your Orange Pi Board:
git clone https://github.com/orangepi-xunlong/OrangePi_Build.git
This script builds different Orange Pi distros. After downloading this repo, change dir to "OrangePi_Build" and run build scripts:
cd OrangePi_Build ./Build_OrangePi.sh
Choose your desired Orange Pi version and scripts will download the source code that contains the appropriate external, kernel, toolchain, scripts and uboot folders. The last, create the build.sh script link which use to start the build system.
It may take some time, so please be patient. After this finishes, you will get a new directory. Change to the new directory:
For OrangePi Zero/R1, the folder is OrangePiH2 or OrangePiH2_mainline
For OrangePi One/Lite/Pc/PcPlus/Plus2E/ZeroPlus2, the folder is OrangePiH3 or OrangePiH3_mainline
For OrangePi Pc2/Prime/ZeroPlus/ZeroPlus2H5, the folder is OrangePiH5
For OrangePi Win/WinPlus, the folder is OrangePiA64
For OrangePi OnePlus/Lite2/3, the folder is OrangePiH6_Linux4.9 or OrangePiH6_mainline
For OrangePi OrangePi 4/4B/RK3399, the folder is OrangePiRK3399 or OrangePiRK3399_Pi4
For OrangePi 2G-IOT/I96, the folder is OrangePiRDA
For OrangePi 3G-IOT, the folder is OrangePi3G-iot
For OrangePi 4G-IOT, the folder is OrangePi4G-iot
Build your own linux distro for Orange Pi system
Run builsh.sh script, select the action you want to perform:
We offer a different repository to maintain Orange Pi. You can also push your patch into Orange Pi build system, more details:
OrangePi Zero/R1
OrangePiH2: external kernel scripts toolchain uboot
OrangePiH2_mainline: external kernel scripts toolchain uboot
OrangePi One/Lite/PC/PcPlus/Plus2E/ZeroPlus2H3
OrangePiH3: external kernel scripts toolchain uboot
OrangePiH3_mainline: external kernel scripts toolchain uboot
OrangePi Pc2/Prime/ZeroPlus/ZeroPlus2H5
OrangePi Win/WinPlus
OrangePi OnePlus/Lite2/3
OrangePiH6_Linux4.9: external kernel scripts toolchain uboot
OrangePiH6_mainline: external kernel scripts toolchain uboot
OrangePi 4/4B
OrangePi RK3399
OrangePi 2G-IOT/i96
OrangePi 3G-IOT
OrangePi 4G-IOT