A basic Wordpress Widget class to extend and easy create your own custom widgets.
In order to create fast a wordpress widget, without wondering about admin side and saving-update methods just follow these steps:
- Download lion2486-widget.php file.
- Include it to your file (with
require_once( __DIR__ . '/lion2486-widget.php' );
). - Extend the class Lion2486_Widget (like
class Lion2486_Example extends Lion2486_Widget
). - Overwrite class fields $WidgetID, $WidgetName, $WidgetDescription and $textDomain.
- Create a class constructor (
) that callsparent::__construct()
and define your widget fields into$this->fields
class field as following
$this->fields = array(
'title', //Name of the field
'Title', //Title (auto translation supported)
'The widget title field.', //Description (auto translation supported)
'text', //Type of the field
'Enter Title', //Default value
'', //Current value
$this->textDomain //text-domain to use
// , more fields here
- Overwrite the method
public function widget( $args, $instance )
to display your widget with your way! - Create an object of your class (like
new Lion2486_Example();
). - READY!
For some help see example-widget file.
If you want to use your widget like an standalone plugin, you have to include the wordpress plugin comment into the file like below
Plugin Name: Lion2486 example Widget
Plugin URI: http://codescar.eu
Description: An example widget using Lion2486 Widget Class.
Version: 1.0
Author: lion2486
Author URI: http://codescar.eu
License: None
You can see the class and method documentation into source file for more info, some basic and useful information below
Acceptable values of types: String - Array text - array('dataType' => 'text', 'attr' => array( 'data-my' => 'my', 'length' => '10' ) ) textarea - array('dataType' => 'textarea', 'attr' => array( 'data-my' => 'my', 'length' => '10' ) ) media - array('dataType' => 'media', 'attr' => array( 'data-my' => 'my', 'length' => '10' ) ) - array('dataType' => 'input', 'inputTag' => 'HTML_TAG', ...) wysiwyg - array('dataType' => 'wysiwyg', ...) html - array('dataType' => 'html', ...)
Default method
public function widget( $args, $instance ) { //Provides all registered instance's variables and values local accessible like $title and into $vars array. extract( $vars = $this->form_fields( $instance ) ); foreach( $this->fields as $var ){ if( $var instanceof Lion2486_Widget_fieldset ) echo $var->displayValue( $instance ); } }
Custom method
public function widget( $args, $instance ) {
//Provides all registered instance's variables and values local accessible like $title and into $vars array.
extract( $vars = $this->form_fields( $instance ) );
//we have at least 2 fields with names title and body.
echo "<h1>{$vars['title']}</h1>"; //OR echo "<h1>{$title}</h1>";
echo "<p>{$vars['body']}</p>"; //OR echo "<p>{$body}</p>";
It is an initial version, more field types will be included and a better handling of the media are in schedule. Thank you.