Linku is a free and open-source dictionary project about Toki Pona and the collection of data and tools involving it. (read more)
You can reach out to us on our Discord server, kulupu Linku.
For translators, we also have a Crowdin organisation, nimi Linku.
- lipu Linku: the web dictionary, now fancied up with SvelteKit, found here
- ilo Linku: a Discord bot, invite to your server
- sona Linku: a dataset including the Linku dictionary, font list, luka pona dictionary, and more
- ijo Linku: a collection of multimedia files for use by other Linku projects
- lipu Linku pini: the prior design of the web dictionary, found here
- nasin sitelen Linku: font repository. Moved to sona
- pali nimi: dictionary update discussion. Moved to Crowdin
- wile Linku: redirect page for surveys
- sitelen Linku: a fork of lipu Linku showcasing a grid layout
- jasima Linku: replaced by sona