200 commits
to master
since this release
What's Changed
🚀 New Features
- [Test] e2e plugin for eks by @aleoli in #2643
- [Test] e2e plugin for aks by @fra98 in #2647
- Geneve port configurable by @cheina97 in #2722
- [Feat] New In-Band Peering by @aleoli in #2720
- New
liqoctl info
command by @claudiolor in #2718 - [E2E] k3s test plugin by @aleoli in #2730
- [Test] e2e plugin for gke by @cheina97 in #2651
- [Feat] support cluster ip in gateway services by @aleoli in #2746
- [Feat] New
liqoctl info peer
command by @claudiolor in #2741
🐛 Bug Fixes
- [Test] fix e2e by @aleoli in #2707
- Fix providers overwrite flags liqoctl install by @fra98 in #2704
- Avoid retrieval of tenant namespace by name by @fra98 in #2703
- Fix logs follow by @aleoli in #2524
- [Fix] Node IP by @aleoli in #2713
- Fix bug deletion routine of virtualnodes with createNode=false by @fra98 in #2721
- Support for gcloud subnet in different project by @cheina97 in #2723
- Fix default wireguard MTU by @cheina97 in #2736
- [Fix] Tenant cleanup & bidirectional peering by @aleoli in #2740
- Fix liqoctl disconnect on bidirectional peering by @fra98 in #2750
🧹 Code Refactoring
- E2E: add kyverno install as pipeline step by @fra98 in #2708
- Update CodeQL action by @fra98 in #2717
- Flags package refactoring: from "flag" to "pflag" by @cheina97 in #2725
📝 Documentation
- Updating the roadmap based on recent discussions within the Liqo maintainers by @frisso in #2475
- Docs: fix Liqo version in Helm installation by @cheina97 in #2739
- docs: add liqoctl info documentation by @claudiolor in #2753
- Docs: in-band docs refactored by @cheina97 in #2754
Other Changes
- Bump golangci-lint and gci by @fra98 in #2706
- Bump controller-runtime to v0.18.5 and k8s libs to v.1.30.3 by @fra98 in #2705
- Bump alpine images to v3.20 by @fra98 in #2714
- Bump go version to 1.23 by @fra98 in #2724
- Bump Alpine from 3.20 to 3.20.3 by @cheina97 in #2749
- Disable docker artifacts in CI by @cheina97 in #2756
Full Changelog: v1.0.0-rc.1...v1.0.0-rc.2