DIETA (DIETA Ist Ein Tolles Akronym) is a software for quantum cluster simulations. It is able to calculate excitation spectra of bosonic/fermionic systems using Cluster Perturbation Theory [1]/Bosonic Self-Energy Functional Theory [2]/Variational Cluster Approach [3]. DIETA also includes modifications done to CPT and BSFT for application to hardcore boson/spin models. See the examples folder for a few use cases of this program.
To compile DIETA you need:
- the linear algebra library Eigen
- the C++ Mathematical Expression Parsing And Evaluation Library exprtk
[1] D. Sénéchal et al. Cluster perturbation theory for hubbard models. Physical Review B, 66(7):075129, 2002.
[2] D. Hügel et al. Bosonic self-energy functional theory. Physical Review B, 94(19):195119, 2016.
[3] M. Potthoff et al. Phys. rev. lett. 91, 206402 (2003). Phys. Rev. Lett., 91:206402, 2003.