RoboGen -- Robot generation through artificial evolution --
================= Joshua Auerbach ([email protected])
Laboratory of Intelligent Systems, EPFL
Read carefully this document and the online documentation: before starting to do anything!
The ROBOGEN Framework is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see
Download, installation and use of RoboGen is fully documented on To get started using the platform, please read through the instructions for your operating system at
In order to not have to maintain documentation in separate locations we will not duplicate those instructions here.
If there is anything that you are stuck on or do not understand, we invite you to ask your question to the RoboGen User's Group:!forum/robogen-users
If you would like to contriubte to RoboGen, please read through the github wiki: Then we encourage you fork the repository and make pull requests for any features you would like to have included in the main RoboGen distribution.
Here, we keep track of those who have contributed to the project.
Current LIS members :
- anandbaskaran Anand Bhaskaran, [email protected]
- davide Davide Zappetti, [email protected]
- jauerb Joshua Auerbach, [email protected]
- Przemyslaw Kornatowski, [email protected]
Semester Project Students :
- GuillaumeLeclerc Guillaume Leclerc, [email protected]
Former LIS members :
- jauerb Joshua Auerbach, [email protected]
- aliceconcordel Alice Concordel, [email protected]
- GregoireH Grégoire Heitz, [email protected]
- amaesani Andrea Maesani, [email protected]
- loshchil Ilya Loshchilov, [email protected]
- daydin Deniz Aydin, [email protected]
- Przemek Kornatowski, [email protected]
- Ludovic Daler, [email protected]
- Pradeep Ruben Fernando
Thanks to past students
- Mikaz-fr (Roy Michaël, [email protected]) contributed instructions to compile the code on MAC OS X and adapted part of the CMAKE code for MAC OS.
- tcies (Titus Cieslewski, [email protected]) who did a lot of work to improve the code base and documentation