HTML5 polygon drawing support
Paints polygons specified on data into target.
- data: data structure to paint, see details below
- target: canvas element ID or canvas element
Simple box example:
var polygons = require( "polygons" );
var data = { shape: 'rect', position: [ 10, 10 ], width: 10, height: 10 };
polygons.paint( data, "canvas_element" );
Complex example:
var polygons = require( "polygons" );
var data = {
scale: 1.25, offsetX: 10, offsetY: 20, rotationDeg: 45, refPointX: 100, refPointY: 100,
fillStyle: "blue", strokeStyle: "red", lineWidth: 4,
refPoints: [ { name: "p1", x: 50, y: 50 }, { name: "p2", x: 200, y: 200 } ],
shape: 'polygon',
points: [ [ 10, 300 ], [ "@30", "@30" ], [ "@-30", "@0" ] ],
childs: [
{ shape: 'polygon', points: [ "p1", [ "@100", "@0" ], { dx: 0, dy: 100 }, { ref: "p1", dx: 0, y: 150 }, "p1" ], fillStyle: null },
{ refPoints: [ { name: "p3", x: 75, y: 200 } ], shape: 'rect', points: [ "p2", [ "@50", "@0" ], [ "@0", "@50" ], [ "@-50", "@0" ], "close" ], lineWidth: 2, fillStyle: "yellow" },
{ shape: 'rect', position: "p3", width: 50, height: 50 }
polygons.paint( data, "canvas_element" );
Creates an object containing all primitives required to paint polygons specified on data.
- data: data structure to paint, see details below
var polygons = require( "polygons" );
var data = { shape: 'polygon', points: [ [ 10, 10 ], [ "@10", "@0" ], [ "@0", "@10" ], [ "@-10", "@0" ], "close" ] };
var prim = polygons.getPrimitives( data );
prim.paint( "canvas_element" );
Supported data types are
- array: each element of the array is painted in a separate attributes context that inherites attributes from parent object
- object: each property is processed depending on its name as follows
All canvas attributes: fillStyle, strokeStyle, shadowColor, shadowBlur, shadowOffsetX, shadowOffsetY, lineCap, lineJoin, lineWidth, miterLimit, font, textAlign and textBaseline
scale: Scale for all axis
offsetX: Shift for x axis
offsetY: Shift for y axis
rotation: Rotation angle in radians
rotationDeg: Rotation angle in degrees
refPointX: Reference point for transformations x axis coordinate
refPointY: Reference point for transformations y axis coordinate
childs: Contains child objects to be painted, must be an array or an object
refPoints: Array of points to be used as reference by polygons, see below
shape: characterises the figure, can be 'rect', 'circle', 'arc' and 'polygon'
position: used in shapes 'rect', 'circle' and 'arc'
height: used in shape 'rect'
width: used in shape 'rect'
radius: used in shapes 'circle' and 'arc'
startAngle: used in shape 'arc'
startAngleDeg: used in shape 'arc'
endAngle: used in shape 'arc'
endAngleDeg: used in shape 'arc'
points: Used in shape 'polygon', is the array of points that forms the polygon to be painted, see below
Coordinates system used is same as in canvas, this means that x axis (horizontal) zero is at left and grows to right, and y axis (vertical) zero is at top and grows to bottom. Rotation angles are reversed according to the coordinates system, that means that a positive angle y counter clock wise.
A coordinate must be specified as:
- A literal value numeric or string (supports floating point), that means an absolute value
- A string starting with "@" and followed by a number (supports negative and floating point), that means a relative coordinate to the last point painted or the one refered by "ref"
Valid examples are:
10 /* absolute value 10 */
1.3 /* absolute value 1.3 */
"@5" /* relative value equal to reference + 5 */
"@-8.5" /* relative value equal to reference - 8.5 */
A point requires two coordinates (x and y axis) and may be specified at different ways as follows:
- An array of two elements: [ xref, yref ]
- An object
- A string refering the name of a previous point
- "close" that means the first point in the polygon
Some coordinates may be relative to a reference, the default reference is the last point painted.
A point specified as an object supports these properties:
- name: is the name that allows other points to refer it
- x: specifies the x coordinate
- y: specifies the y coordinate
- dx: specifies the x coordinate incrementally from the reference point
- dy: specifies the y coordinate incrementally from the reference point
- ref: specifies the reference point used instead of the last point painted
Valid examples are:
{ name: "point1", x: 10, y: 10 },
{ dx: 10, dy: 0 },
[ "20", "20" ],
[ "@-10", "@0" ],
{ ref: "point1", dx: -5, dy: 5 },
polygons is available under the [MIT license] (