Цей додаток був створений для автоматизації шкільних навчальних процесів Ліцею Інформаційних Технологій №79.
- pug (jade) files.public
- static serving files over /*.fs
- User Files Storage Directories.routes
- Express router modules forviews
or api.db.json
- Database Data in JSON.LICENSE
- License of project.README.md
- this file.bin
- executables.bin/www
- Node.js file to start platform.app.js
- Express app main module.
- Returns JSON with lessons.- Example output:
Understanding output:[{"Class":"8-A","lessons":[["Рос. м.","Хімія","Алгебра","Алгебра","Фіз-ра","Заруб.","Алгл. м."],["Біологія","Хімія","Фіз-ра","Укр. м.","Укр. л.","Англ. м."],["Геог.","Інф.","Інф.","Фізіка","Біологія","Зар. л.","Англ. м."],["Геог.","Укр. м.","Укр. л.","Іст. У.","Алгебра","Англ. м."],["Техн.","Іст. В.","Фіз-ра","Фізіка","Геом.","Геом.","ОБЖ"]]}]
[{"Class":"8-A","lessons":[["Day 1, Lesson 1", "Day 1, Lesson 2"],["Day 2, Lesson 1", "Day 2, Lesson 2"],["Day 3, Lesson 1", "Day 3, Lesson 2"],["Day 4, Lesson 1", "Day 4, Lesson 2"],["Day 5, Lesson 1", "Day 5, Lesson 2"]]}]
- Accessing files:
# for exmaple we have: # User: 01 # File: test.html # we can access it RAW by: https://lit79p.herokuapp.com/fm/raw/test.html # using User 01 credentials in HTTP Basic Authorization.
:# install deps. yarn install # start yarn start # dev (Live Reload) yarn dev
:# install deps. npm install # or i # start npm start # dev (Live Reload) npm run-script dev
MIT License; Copyright (c) 2019 Mihail Marynenko Mykolaevich