LRC has translations for 17 different languages
Fixed backup directory, it doesnt point to the common program files once options are changed
The backup and logs directory will be in the current directory if the release is portable edition
Renamed scanner files to more proper names
Uses my own code instead of Type.GetTypeFromProgID()
Replaced checkboxes with listview in options so different languages can be displayed properly
Added power user option that allows the program to automatically repair problems and close the program
Country flags are displayed beside each language
Automatically changes to current ui culture once the program is started
Translated strings that are not controls and are in the code files
Fixed error when switching to chinese (traditional or simplified)
Upgraded TreeView Advanced to version 1.7
Expands all nodes when finished scanning registry
Added a sorter tree model so the results can be sorted
Details are shown in a window instead of in the main window
Added status strip to display welcome and results messages
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