- MySQL Instant Add Column
- MySQL Replication
- WL#6314 MTS Prepared transactions slave parallel applier - High Level Architecture
- WL#7165 MTS Optimizing MTS scheduling by increasing the parallelization window on master - High Level Architecture
- WL#8440 Group Replication Parallel applier support - High Level Architecture
- WL#9556 Writeset-based MTS dependency tracking on master - High Level Aichitecture
- MySQL binlog
- MySQL 源码
- 其他
- 刷题
- Binary Search
- LeetCode 已 A 题目整理
- [LeetCodeCN][QuickSelect][Heap] Offer40. 最小的k个数
- [LeetCode] 11. Container With Most Water
- [LeetCode] 29. Divide Two Integers
- [LeetCode] 3. Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters
- [LeetCode] 41. First Missing Positive
- [LeetCode][Backtracking] 22. Generate Parentheses
- [LeetCode][Backtracking] 37. Sudoku Solver
- [LeetCode][Backtracking] 39&40. Combination Sum
- [LeetCode][Backtracking] 51. N-Queens
- [LeetCode][DP] 5. Longest Palindromic Substring
- [LeetCode][LinkedList] 25. Reverse Nodes in k-Group
- [LeetCode][LinkedList][Divide And Conquer] 23. Merge k Sorted Lists
- [LeetCode][QuickSelect] 169. Majority Element
- [LeetCode][Tree] 110. Balanced Binary Tree
- [LeetCode][Tree] 113. Path Sum II
- [LeetCode][Tree] 236. Lowest Common Ancestor(LCA) of a Binary Tree
- [LeetCode][Tree] 426. Convert Binary Search Tree to Sorted Doubly Linked List
- [LeetCode][Tree] 572. Subtree of Another Tree
- [LeetCode][Tree] 589&590&429. N叉树的前序后序层序遍历
- [LeetCode][Tree] 94&144&145. Binary Tree InorderPreorderPostorder Traversal
- [LeetCode][dp] 300. Longest Increasing Subsequence
- [LeetCode][分治] 23. Merge k Sorted Lists
- [剑指Offer] 16. 数值的整数次方
- [剑指Offer][DP] 19. 正则表达式匹配
- 剑指offer
- 排列组合问题(回溯法)
- 算法相关总结
- 区块链
- 北大肖臻区块链公开课笔记
- 学习笔记
- C++
- C++ 20 Coroutine
- C++ Lock
- C++ Memory Order (1)
- C++ Memory Order (2)
- C++ Memory Order (3)
- C++ Memory Order (4)
- Clang-Tidy: Pass by value and use std::move
- SFINAE and std::enable_if
- Smart Pointer and Raw Pointer Rule
- Template Metaprogramming (TMP)
- Templete
- [转载] Coroutines in C
- [转载] 从无栈协程到 C++ 异步框架
- [转载] 再探 C++20 协程
- [转载] 初探 C++20 协程
- [转载] 当我们谈论 shared_ptr 的线程安全性时,我们在谈论什么?
- atomic in C++
- function pointer, std::function and std::bind
- push_back vs. emplace_back in std::vector
- std::decltype and std::declval
- type traits Part.1
- type traits Part.2
- typedef and alias declaration
- typename and class
- volatile in C_C++
- Java
- Others
- TCP Connection State Diagram
- ZooKeeper 临时节点
- [转载] Linux IO 原理和 Zero-copy 技术全面揭秘
- [转载][译] Linux 异步 IO 框架 io_uring:基本原理、程序示例与性能压测(2020)
- double-checked locking
- golang GC (三色标记法)
- rust
- 分布式系统
- 网络编程
- 计算机体系结构
- C++
- 数据库
- 事务
- 优化器
- 关系模型
- 存储
- RocksDB
- 执行器
- 源码阅读笔记
- RocksDB
- braft
- brpc
- bthread
- etcd
- leveldb
- libuv
- 读书笔记
- C++ 并发编程实战
- CMU 15-445:645 Database Systems (Fall 2021)
- Lecture #01: Relational Model & Relational Algebra
- Lecture #03: Database Storage (Part I)
- Lecture #04: Database Storage (Part II)
- Lecture #05: Buffer Pools
- Lecture #11: Query Execution I
- Lecture #12: Query Execution II
- Lecture #13: Query Planning & Optimization I
- Lecture #14: Query Planning & Optimization II
- Lecture #15: Concurrency Control Theory
- Lecture #16: Two-Phase Locking
- Lecture #17: Timestamp Ordering Concurrency Control
- Lecture #18: Multi-Version Concurrency Control
- Lecture #19: Logging Schemes
- Lecture #21: Database Crash Recovery
- CMU 15-721 Advanced Database Systems (Spring 2020)
- Effective Modern C++
- MySQL实战45讲
- UNIX Network Programming
- 事务处理:概念与技术
- 数据密集型应用系统设计