Bear Maps is a web mapping application for the greater Berkeley area with functions of rastering, auto-complete search, navigation by implementing Graph, Trie, K-d Tree and A* algorithm from scratch in Java.
Online Demo:
- Map Rastering: Find the grid of images that best matche user's requested area and level of zoom. Then render these images on the browser.
- Routing & Location Data: Use a real world dataset combined with an industrial strength dataset parser to construct a graph. This graph contains all location data and route information.
- Nearest Location: Get the nearest location of the mouse double click point by k-d tree.
- Route Search: Find the shortest path between start point and end point using A* algorithm.
- Autocompletion: Autocomplete the partial query string in search box by trie.
- Search: The user is able to search for places of interest.
- Ideas and front-end code from CS61B
- Data from OpenStreetMap