- segmentations include masks of liver structures such tumors, ablations, vessels and other structures
- metrics include the Euclidean Distance between two objects (eg. Ground Truth segmentation of Tumor vs. Predicted Segmentation of Tumor, Segmentation of Ablation vs. Segmentation of Tumor)
- Mauerer et Al. algorithm for calculating euclidean distances between two objects from binary images
- Volume Metrics (DICE, Coverage,ETC)
The following non-standard libraries are required to use the full functionality of the project.
- SimpleITK
- PyRadiomics
- PyDicom
- Untangle
- numpy
The data preparation step depends on the input data to be used.
python package_data.py --intraop_patch intra_op_patch.ply --preop_ct pre_op.ply --intraop_ct intra_op.ply --output_file packaged.pckl
The data consists of a segmented pre-operative CT model and tracked images from a stereo-endoscope. The data has to be organized as follows:
├── ...
├── path_to_data # input data folder
│ ├── *.jpg # interlaced stereo images
│ ├── *.xml # CASone xml parameter file
│ └── mask # mask folder (optional)
│ ├── *.jpg # segmentation masks with same name as stereo images
└── ...
python compute_stereo.py --input_dir path_to_data --result_dir path_to_output --segment true
- to be completed
- to be completed
- to be completed
For experiments with synthetic data run (add optional parameters)
python gp_experiments.py