A command line interface for building, previewing, and syncing your Live Editor theme.
Ruby 2.1+
To install Live Editor CLI, run this command:
$ gem install liveeditor_cli
$ liveeditor new TITLE # Generate a new theme in a subfolder based on
$ liveeditor login # Log in to the Live Editor service.
$ liveeditor generate SUBCOMMAND # Generate a layout, content template, or
# navigation menu.
# - layout
# - content_template
# - navigation
$ liveeditor validate [TARGET] # Validate that theme is implemented
# correctly.
# Optional TARGETs:
# - all (default)
# - assets
# - config
# - content_templates
# - layouts
# - navigation
# - theme
$ liveeditor server # Run a development server for previewing your
# theme.
$ liveeditor push # Validate and push theme files to Live Editor
# for publication.
$ liveeditor help [COMMAND] # Instructions for all commands (or optionally
# details about a single COMMAND).
For a complete list of commands and options, refer to the Live Editor CLI Reference Guide.
The MIT License (MIT)
- Copyright © 2016 Minimal Orange, LLC