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This project contains programs and scripts for performing experiments on axiom-pinpointing algorithms from PULi and other related tools. It also contains utilities for collecting statistics and processing the experiment results.
From the root directory of the project run:
$ mvn clean install
All experiments can be executed using main java files (e.g., when importing the project
from eclipse using Import > Maven > Existing Maven Projects
and creating an appropriate
Java application Run configuration),
or from the command line using the shell scripts located in the bin
The experiments evaluate axiom-pinpointing algorithms that extract justifications from proofs. In particular, the algorithms find all justifications of why some conclusion is entailed by some ontology and they use a complete proof of that conclusion to do this. So an input for such an algorithm is an ontology, a conclusion and a proof. When performing one experiment, the tested algorithm, the ontology and the type of proofs is fixed. The experiment runs the algorithm on each conclusion from some collection. In this context we say that one conclusion is a query and a collection of conclusions is specified by a query file.
A query file is a simple text file where each line is a query.
One such file should contain queries that are conclusions entailed by one ontology.
The current implementation of the experiments recognizes only queries that are SubClassOf
axioms (subsumptions).
One line in a query file contains full IRI of the subclass and the superclass from such axiom separated by a space.
Query files can be generated using the main class org.liveontologies.pinpointing.ExtractSubsumptions
or the script extract_subsumptions.sh
It collects subsumptions between atomic classes entailed by the provided ontology.
Optionally, the subsumptions may be limited to direct ones and told subsumptions may be filtered out.
$ ./bin/extract_subsumptions.sh ${options} ${ontology} ${output}
The important command-line arguments are:
: prints the help message and exit -
: the ontology in functional style OWL that entails the collected subsumptions -
: name of the query file that is generated
The following command collects all subsumptions between atomic classes entailed by the test ontology in
and outputs them into the query file ExistCycle.queries
$ ./bin/extract_subsumptions.sh src/test/resources/test_input/simple/ExistCycle.owl ExistCycle.queries
When successful, it creates an ExistCycle.queries
file with the content:
http://example.org/B http://example.org/A
http://example.org/C http://example.org/A
http://example.org/D http://example.org/A
http://example.org/A http://example.org/B
http://example.org/C http://example.org/B
http://example.org/D http://example.org/B
http://example.org/A http://example.org/C
http://example.org/B http://example.org/C
http://example.org/D http://example.org/C
http://example.org/E http://example.org/F
http://example.org/G http://example.org/F
http://example.org/E http://example.org/G
The following command collects only direct subsumptions:
$ ./bin/extract_subsumptions.sh --direct src/test/resources/test_input/simple/ExistCycle.owl ExistCycle.direct.queries
So the file ExistCycle.direct.queries
will be the same as above minus but without the indirect subsumption:
http://example.org/E http://example.org/F
The Java main class org.liveontologies.pinpointing.RunJustificationExperiments
runs an axiom-pinpointing algorithms that
implement the interface org.liveontologies.puli.pinpointing.MinimalSubsetsFromProofs
from PULi.
The corresponding shell script can be used as follows:
$ ./bin/run_justification_experiments.sh ${options} ${record} ${queries} ${experiment} -- ${experiment_arguments}
The important options and arguments are:
: prints the help message and exit -
-t T
: local timeout per query in milliseconds -
-g G
: global timeout for the whole experiment in milliseconds -
: the file into which the experiment results will be written -
: the query file -
: the name of the class that implements the experiment -
: the arguments for the experiment
The particular experiments are implementations of interface org.liveontologies.pinpointing.experiments.JustificationExperiment
When one of these classes is specified as ${experiment}
in the command line arguments,
it is instantiated by reflexion and the arguments ${experiment_arguments}
that follow --
are passed to it.
Current implementations of org.liveontologies.pinpointing.experiments.JustificationExperiment
The first word in the class names specifies what kind of proofs are used for the experiment and the second word specifies what kind of axiom-pinpointing algorithm is used. Experiments with names matching the following patterns have the following properties:
Uses internal proofs of ELK. Experiment arguments contain:
: ontology file in functional style OWL
This ontology must be the same as the one from which the query file specified by the argument ${queries}
was generated.
The ontology is classified before the experiments are run.
Tracing of each query is done during the experiment run on that query.
Uses external OWL API proofs of ELK. Experiment arguments contain:
: ontology file in a format recognized by OWL API
This ontology must be the same as the one from which the query file specified by the argument ${queries}
was generated.
The ontology is classified before the experiments are run.
Tracing of each query is done during the experiment run on that query.
Uses proofs encoded in SAT as described here. Experiment arguments contain:
: directory with the encoding
The SAT encoding must be generated using the same query file as specified by the argument ${queries}
was generated.
The experiment does not need to perform any ontology classification nor tracing,
because they were performed during encoding to SAT.
Encoded proof of a query is loaded before the experiment run on that query.
The axiom-pinpointing algorithm is specified by the class that implements it.
The class must have public static method getFactory()
returns a org.liveontologies.puli.pinpointing.MinimalSubsetsFromProofs.Factory
that instantiates the class.
Experiment arguments contain:
: the name of the class of the axiom-pinpointing algorithm
Some of the axiom-pinpointing algorithm classes are:
(only default selection type can be used with this experiment)
The axiom-pinpointing algorithm is org.liveontologies.puli.pinpointing.ResolutionJustificationComputation
Experiment arguments contain:
: the selection type used by the resolution algorithm (one ofTOP_DOWN
The following command
$ ./bin/run_justification_experiments.sh \
-t 60000 record.csv ExistCycle.queries org.liveontologies.pinpointing.experiments.ElkResolutionJustificationExperiment \
-- src/test/resources/test_input/simple/ExistCycle.owl THRESHOLD
runs resolution axiom-pinpointing algorithm on internal proofs from ELK.
This is specified by the experiment class org.liveontologies.pinpointing.experiments.ElkResolutionJustificationExperiment
The selection type for the resolution algorithm is specified by THRESHOLD
The specified query file ExistCycle.queries
was generated from the specified ontology
(see previous example).
The algorithm will be run on each query from ExistCycle.queries
and time out for each of these runs will be 1 minute as specified by -t 60000
The results will be written into record.csv
The results of an experiment are written into file specified as ${record}
when invoking the experiment.
These are simple CSV files that contain one line per query from query file with which the experiment was run,
except the first line that contains column names.
First few columns are:
: The query as in the query file. -
: Whether the algorithm timed out with the local timeout. -
: The time spent on the query in milliseconds. -
: The number of justifications found within the local timeout. The following columns contain various statistics, which depend on the particular experiment.
The previous example writes the results into file record.csv
, which looks something like this:
"http://example.org/B http://example.org/A",FALSE,86.970762,1,20815896,2.0,"86.623158","","86.623158",21,23,2,2.0,2.0,2,56.209206,16896,7,6,1,2.0
"http://example.org/C http://example.org/A",FALSE,3.11089,1,21792064,1.0,"2.787223","","2.787223",18,21,1,1.0,1.0,1,12.073124,16896,17,6,1,1.0
"http://example.org/D http://example.org/A",FALSE,3.450787,1,23389528,1.0,"3.250585","","3.250585",22,24,1,1.0,1.0,1,7.47551,16896,29,8,1,1.0
"http://example.org/A http://example.org/B",FALSE,1.71385,1,24373864,1.0,"1.570368","","1.570368",18,21,1,1.0,1.0,1,4.674867,16896,36,6,1,1.0
"http://example.org/C http://example.org/B",FALSE,3.018365,1,25038392,2.0,"1.882771","","1.882771",21,23,2,2.0,2.0,2,3.59218,16896,36,7,0,2.0
"http://example.org/D http://example.org/B",FALSE,3.259645,1,25979328,2.0,"2.341369","","2.341369",25,27,2,2.0,2.0,2,17.647464,16896,36,9,0,2.0
"http://example.org/A http://example.org/C",FALSE,2.210724,1,26299424,2.0,"2.070114","","2.070114",21,23,2,2.0,2.0,2,3.723399,16896,36,7,0,2.0
"http://example.org/B http://example.org/C",FALSE,3.769187,1,27579376,1.0,"3.359034","","3.359034",18,21,1,1.0,1.0,1,34.496105,16896,36,7,0,1.0
"http://example.org/D http://example.org/C",FALSE,3.622303,1,28856488,3.0,"3.027331","","3.027331",28,30,3,3.0,3.0,3,27.671066,16896,36,9,0,3.0
"http://example.org/E http://example.org/F",FALSE,14.525833,4,29496392,3.5,"11.07972","12.188796","12.188796",115,121,5,4.25,4.5,3,14.335333,16896,49,34,1,5.0
"http://example.org/G http://example.org/F",FALSE,4.562595,2,29816488,2.0,"4.184983","4.406288","4.184983",60,63,4,3.0,3.0,2,10.449368,16896,58,18,1,4.0
"http://example.org/E http://example.org/G",FALSE,2.293428,1,31725040,1.0,"1.87716","","1.87716",14,15,1,1.0,1.0,1,5.993184,16896,58,5,0,1.0
A "direct" SAT encoding is used by a number of axiom-pinpointing tools.
EL+SAT describes a format of this encoding,
that is, up to small differences, used by all these tools.
The java main class org.liveontologies.pinpointing.DirectSatEncodingUsingElkCsvQuery
produces such encoding in a format usable by most of these tools.
It essentially encodes internal proofs of ELK into CNF.
The corresponding shell script can be used as follows:
$ ./bin/direct_sat_enconding_using_elk_csv_query.sh ${options} ${ontology} ${queries} ${output_dir}
The important command-line arguments are:
: prints the help message and exit -
: ontology file in functional style OWL -
: the query file generated from the ontology -
: name of the directory that will contain the encoding after success After success, the specified output directory will contain one subdirectory for each query, each of which will contain the "direct" SAT encoding for that query. For more information see documentation oforg.liveontologies.pinpointing.DirectSatEncodingUsingElkCsvQuery
(The encoding is called direct, because inferences are encoded as implications from the premises to the conclusion.)
After producing ExistCycle.queries
by the first example,
queries from this file can be encoded in SAT by:
$ ./bin/direct_sat_enconding_using_elk_csv_query.sh src/test/resources/test_input/simple/ExistCycle.owl ExistCycle.queries ExistCycle.elk_sat
TODO: how to encode proofs provided by EL+SAT?