Mapa da capacitação:
Cadastrar e visualizar cursos de capacitação no estado do espírito santo
Criado por: Lívio Zanol ([email protected])
Baseado no RepresentMap:
- PHP5
Setup should be super easy. Follow these steps:
- Create a new MySQL database and user.
- Use phpMyAdmin or another MySQL utility to run each of the SQL files in the /db directory.
- Open /include/db.php with your text editor. Enter your MySQL credentials in there and edit the others variables
- Edit "categories.json" to create your own categories.
- Upload all of the files to your server.
- Populate your database (or use the examples provided - remember to ajust the categories).
- Once visitors to your site have submitted their own markers, point your browser to /admin to approve/reject them.
Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.0 Generic (CC BY-SA 2.0) License. Your use of this code and all associated materials is bound by the terms of this license. For full information, please see this website:
Attribution: Keep recognition for my job anywhere... Also, the "Based on RepresentLA" text and link must be left intact and visible on your map unless you've been given explicit, written permission from any of the creators to remove it.