Welcome to InstaFame, a web application that replicates the basic features of the popular photo-sharing platform Instagram. This application was built with a React front-end and a Ruby on Rails back-end. The goal of this application is to provide a platform for users to share and view photos with friends, family, and followers.
- User authentication and authorization
- Ability to upload and view photos
- Ability to like and comment on photos
- View your own profile and edit your profile information
- View other users' profiles and their photos
- React (front-end)
- Ruby on Rails (back-end)
- Database: Sinatra
- Follow and unfollow other users
- View a feed of photos from the users you follow
Liv Nelson, Cameron Millen, Marco Amador
We hope this application provides a fun and easy way to share and view photos with friends, family, and followers. Enjoy!