Easily search for files in Google drive folders and download them with the press of an ipywidget button
: Thin wrapper around the gdrive documentation's tutorialWidgetDriveDownloader(DriveDownloader)
Inherited class that adds the ipywidgets for inputting search queries and buttons to search and download
- Can use the
class independently in scripts (without ipywidgets) - Easily customize the two classes to your needs.
- Public Google Drive folder for testing
- PRs welcome too!
git clone https://github.com/ljburtz/GoogleDrive_downloader_ipywidgets.git
cd GoogleDrive_downloader_ipywidgets
conda env create -f environment.yml
conda activate gdrive
python -m ipykernel install --user --name=gdrive
jupyter notebook gdrive_downloader.ipynb
Get your google drive credentials: client_id.json
by following this tutorial by FIRE Capital One Machine Learning of UMD.edu
- Run all cells
- Authenticate with your personal gdrive credentials: edit the path to where you downloaded
- Type the inputs into the ipywidget text boxes: choose inside which gdrive folder to look, which type of file you want to download, and where to save the downloaded files on your PC
- Click on the search buttons, then the download button
- Very helpful for setting up the gdrive credentials https://medium.com/@umdfirecoml/a-step-by-step-guide-on-how-to-download-your-google-drive-data-to-your-jupyter-notebook-using-the-52f4ce63c66c
- Google Drive v3 API docs : https://developers.google.com/drive/api/v3/quickstart/python?authuser=1