Download, configure and start using go never was so easy and faster.
Note: By now, govm is tested on linux.
You can install pre-compiled binaries or compile from source.
Download the latest released version from releases page and copy to the desired location.
Follow the steps:
$ # Clone the repository outside the GOPATH
$ git clone
$ cd govm
$ # Build the source
$ make
$ # Install source whatever you want, by default will be installed at /usr/local/bin
$ make install
On linux, govm will install go sources into ~/.local/bin directory on unix. Include this path into PATH environment variable if it does not exists already.
On windows, govm will install go sources into C:\Users\%USERPROFILE%\.govm\bin directory, make sure to add this folder into environment variables.
govm is a go version manager
govm [flags] [command]
govm [command]
Available Commands:
delete Delete golang source
help Help about any command
list List golang sources
select Select golang source
-h, --help help for govm
--version version for govm
Use "govm [command] --help" for more information about a command.
Pull requests are welcome!. Submit github issues for any feature enhancements, bugs or documentation problems.