Qwery is a 1k selector query engine allowing you to select elements with CSS1 & CSS2 queries, with the exception of (commonly used) attribute selectors from CSS3.
// basic
#foo // id
.bar // class
#foo a // descendents
#foo a.bar element attribute comibination
// attributes
#foo a[href] // simple
#foo a[href=bar] // attribute values
#foo a[href^=http://] // attribute starts with
#foo a[href$=com] // attribute ends with
#foo a[href*=twitter] // attribute wildcards
// combos
Each query can optionally pass in a context
qwery('div', node); // existing DOM node or...
qwery('div', '#foo'); // another query
Qwery uses JSHint to keep some house rules as well as UglifyJS for its compression. For those interested in building Qwery yourself. Run make in the root of the project.
point your browser at qwery/tests/index.html
Qwery uses querySelectorAll when available. All querySelectorAll default behavior then applies.