So you've always wanted to timelapse a plant growing from a seed, right? And you're keen on the wisdom of Chinese poverbs, yes? Well, here at Think Physics we've solved your problem! You can follow our plant on Twitter @think_plant for regular photo updates and proverbs.
##How does it work?
Step 1. Check the time. Step 2. On the hours betteen 8am and 6pm (office hours of course) take a photo using the Raspberry Pi Camera Step 3. Post this photo and a random proverb to the @think_plant twitter account Step 4. Upload the image to DropBox - for a timelapse project later Step 5. Delete photo from the Raspberry Pi
###Where do we start? Our dependancies. You'll need to get a DropBox upload programme running on your Pi. This uploader worked perfectly for me - - follow the instructions carefully!