WPA application of CURD of notes with Angular 6 and firebase using firesotre and sending of notification notification
- Download or clone
- Run
npm install
Run ng serve
for a dev server. Navigate to http://localhost:4200/
. The app will automatically reload if you change any of the source files.
With this command you can test the sending and receiving of messages:
curl https://fcm.googleapis.com/fcm/send \
-H"Content-Type: application/json" \
-H"Authorization: key=AAAAcZjdlJk:APA91bGUL5xtX_hAEkeUPb_-6MFICBs9oFTtHsuebsubrOVDCU0GPMupq_YZ7yeju2J3lhBxwU-3EBazSmJN0YvrZU27QqHiLw0JfZQRbyRdmQftYpAmNbmUx_-zTrNcvsyzVk3YFhTb" \
-d '{ "notification": { "title": "New note!", "body": "A new note has been added","icon":"https://goo.gl/Gey7NW", "click_action": "https://pwa-platzi.firebaseapp.com/"}, "to" : "..."
They must replace the contents of to: "..." by the hash that is displayed in the navigator browser development console