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my leetcode problems solutions


# Title Solution Difficulty
121 Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock Java Easy
169 Majority Element Java Easy
217 Contains Duplicate Java Easy
238 Product of Array Except Self Java Easy
283 Move Zeroes Java Easy
442 Find All Duplicates in an Array Java Easy
448 Find All Numbers Disappeared in an Array Java Easy
485 Max Consecutive Ones Java Easy
561 Array Partition I Java Easy
566 Reshape the Matrix Java Easy
581 Shortest Unsorted Continuous Subarray Java Easy
695 Max Area of Island Java Medium
717 1-bit and 2-bit Characters Java Easy
766 Toeplitz Matrix Java Easy
832 Flipping an Image Java Easy
868 Transpose Matrix Java Easy
704 Binary Search Java Easy
33 Search in Rotated Sorted Array Java Medium
27 Remove Element Java Easy
287 Find the Duplicate Number Java Medium
000 Leftmost Column with at Least a One Java Medium

Breadth and Depth First Search

# Title Solution Difficulty
200 Number of Islands Java Medium
695 Max Area of Island Java Medium
0 Flood fill Java Easy

Linked List

# Title Solution Difficulty
141 Linked List Cycle Java Easy
142 Linked List Cycle find cycle start point Java Medium
160 Intersection of Two Linked Lists Java Easy
21 Merge Two Sorted Lists Java Easy
234 Palindrome Linked List Java Easy
237 Delete Node in a Linked List Java Easy
203 Remove Linked List Elements Java Easy
328 Odd Even Linked List Java Medium
000 Merge two sorted linked lists Java Easy
148 Sort List Java Medium
23 Merge k Sorted Lists Java Hard
19 Remove Nth Node From End of List Java Medium
206 Reverse Linked List Java Easy


# Title Solution Difficulty
101 Symmetric Tree Java Easy
104 Maximum Depth of Binary Tree Java Easy
226 Invert Binary Tree Java Easy
530 Minimum Absolute Difference in BST Java Easy
538 Convert BST to Greater Tree Java Easy
617 Merge Two Binary Trees Java Easy
543 Diameter of Binary Tree Java Easy


# Title Solution Difficulty
175 Combine Two Tables MySQL Easy
176 Second Highest Salary MySQL Easy
177 Nth Highest Salary MySQL Medium
178 Rank Scores MySQL Medium
180 Consecutive Numbers MySQL Medium
181 Employees Earning More Than Their Managers MySQL Easy
182 Duplicate Emails MySQL Easy
183 Customers Who Never Order MySQL Easy
184 Department Highest Salary MySQL Hard
196 Delete Duplicate Emails MySQL Easy
197 Rising Temperature MySQL Easy
595 Big Countries MySQL Easy
596 Classes More Than 5 Students MySQL Easy
601 Human Traffic of Stadium MySQL Hard
620 Not Boring Movies MySQL Easy
626 Exchange Seats MySQL Medium
627 Swap Salary MySQL Easy
262 Trips and Users MySQL Hard


# Title Solution Difficulty
155 Min Stack Java Easy
211 Add and Search Word Java Medium
225 Stack using Queues Java Easy
232 Queue using Stacks Java Easy
380 Insert Delete GetRandom O(1) Python Medium
146 LRU Cache Java Medium

Dynamic Programming

# Title Solution Difficulty
53 Maximum Subarray Java Easy
70 Climbing Stairs Java Easy
198 House Robber Java Easy
42 Trapping Rain Water Java Hard
560 Subarray Sum Equals K Java Medium


# Title Solution Difficulty
149 Max Points on a Line Java Hard
171 Excel Sheet Column Number Java Easy
172 Factorial Trailing Zeroes Java Easy
2 Add Two Numbers Java Medium
204 Count Primes Java Easy
224 Basic Calculator Java Easy
263 Ugly Number Java Easy
319 Bulb Switcher Java Medium
367 Valid Perfect Square Py Easy
413 Arithmetic Slices Py Easy
415 Add Strings Java Easy
441 Arranging Coins Java Easy
453 Minimum Moves to Equal Array Elements Java Easy
507 Perfect Number Java Easy
535 Encode and Decode TinyURL Java Easy
593 Valid Square Java Easy
598 Range Addition II Java Easy
628 Maximum Product of Three Numbers Java Easy
633 Sum of Square Numbers Java Easy
645 Set Mismatch Java Easy
66 Plus One Java Easy
67 Add Binary Java Easy
672 Bulb Switcher II Java Medium
69 Sqrt(x) Java Easy
728 Self Dividing Numbers Java Easy
754 Reach a Number Java Medium
9 Palindrome Number Java Easy
587 Erect the Fence Java Hard


# Title Solution Difficulty
621 Task Scheduler Java Medium


# Title Solution Difficulty
771 Jewels and Stones Java Easy

Two Pointers

# Title Solution Difficulty
11 Container With Most Water Java Medium
42 Trapping Rain Water Java Hard

Without Tag

# Title Solution Difficulty
1 Two Sum Java Easy
242 Valid Anagram Java Easy
258 Add Digits Java Easy
268 Missing Number Java Easy
387 First Unique Character in a String Java Easy
461 Hamming Distance Java Easy
476 Number Complement Java Easy
7 Reverse Integer Java Easy
88 Merge Sorted Array Java Easy
804 Unique Morse Code Words Java Easy
20 Valid Parentheses Java Easy


my leetcode problems solutions







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