Releases: lmcinnes/umap
Releases Β· lmcinnes/umap
What's Changed
- Update README.rst by @jc-healy in #1162
- [BUG]: Fix feature names for sklearn API by @fraimondo in #1166
- Update basic_usage.rst to replace deprecated function. by @rattle99 in #1188
- Update requirements by @lmcinnes in #1189
New Contributors
- @fraimondo made their first contribution in #1166
- @rattle99 made their first contribution in #1188
Full Changelog: release-0.5.7...release-0.5.8
What's Changed
- Update README.rst by @Slyderek in #1111
- Allow consistent transform by UMAP by @IntelleKarl in #1129
- docs: mention "precomputed" metric as a parameter by @NickCrews in #1137
- Fix typo in AlignedUMAP documentation by @milesmcc in #1139
- Add pre-release parameter in pipelines by @gclendenning in #1130
- Update by @AMS-Hippo in #1147
- Compile _optimize_layout_euclidean_single_epoch once by @kmkolasinski in #1152
- Landmarked Re-Trainable Parametric UMAP by @jacobgolding in #1153
- Small default functions for landmark-UMAP by @AMS-Hippo in #1156
New Contributors
- @Slyderek made their first contribution in #1111
- @IntelleKarl made their first contribution in #1129
- @NickCrews made their first contribution in #1137
- @milesmcc made their first contribution in #1139
- @AMS-Hippo made their first contribution in #1147
- @kmkolasinski made their first contribution in #1152
- @jacobgolding made their first contribution in #1153
Full Changelog: release-0.5.6...release-0.5.7
What's Changed
- Setting random state could still lead to stochastic results by @dannywhuang in #1081
- Change release tag structure and switch to real PyPI by @gclendenning in #1085
- Add Keras 3 support to ParametricUMAP by @fchollet in #1101
- Finish refactoring ParametricUMAP by @fchollet in #1105
- Add torch support to ParametricUMAP by @fchollet in #1104
- Bit hamming by @lmcinnes in #1107
New Contributors
- @dannywhuang made their first contribution in #1081
- @fchollet made their first contribution in #1101
Full Changelog: release-0.5.5...release-0.5.6
0.5.5 patch release
What's Changed
- fix interactive plot if hover_data but no tools is provided by @timoleistner in #1058
- Fixed bug causing digits data bokeh plot in tutorial to break by @Liqs-v2 in #1067
- Make
requirement optional by @mithaler in #1066 - Fix
deprecation warning by @laclouis5 in #1072
New Contributors
- @timoleistner made their first contribution in #1058
- @Liqs-v2 made their first contribution in #1067
- @mithaler made their first contribution in #1066
- @laclouis5 made their first contribution in #1072
Full Changelog: 0.5.4...release-0.5.5
Patch release 0.5.4
What's Changed
- Add numerically stable cross entropy loss by @jgraving in #856
- Fix AlignedUMAP.update by @hndgzkn in #861
- Fixed numerical issue in make_epochs_per_sample by @GregDemand in #875
- Fix in1d() return type issue by @GregDemand in #877
- Fix use of relation_dicts in expand_relations by @GregDemand in #880
- Fix indexing issue with relations array by @GregDemand in #882
- Added uniqueness flag to intersect1d by @SkBlaz in #896
- Fix typos in docstrings by @sky-2002 in #903
- consistency between install_requires and requirements.txt by @jlmelville in #908
- Search index is optional for precomputed_knn by @jlmelville in #909
- Fix doc build (a bit) by @jlmelville in #910
- Fix the doc build by @jlmelville in #913
- PCA initialization option by @jlmelville in #911
- Allow points to be passed to umap.plot.points by @dribnet in #912
- feature: add ability to specify tools to interactive charts so richer exploration with images and other content is possible by @suneeta-mall in #858
- tighten test_umap_trustworthiness_random_init bound by @austereantelope in #850
- tighten test_umap_sparse_trustworthiness bound by @austereantelope in #851
- Get intermediate results at different epochs by @matthieuheitz in #696
- Update penguins doc by @jlmelville in #914
- ignore force approximation with precomputed knn by @jlmelville in #927
- Update deprecated matplotlib colormap registry by @yannikschaelte in #929
- Esm metagenomic atlas to Interactive Visualizations by @BioGeek in #936
+ tests by @CarloLepelaars in #939- Updated densMAP citation in README by @hhcho in #945
- sklearn parwise distances doesn't support np.matrix anymore by @lmcinnes in #946
- Minor performance improvements by @rohan-shah-nearmap in #948
- Anticipate stricter asarray handling in numpy by @lmcinnes in #952
- Aligned umap issues by @GregDemand in #958
- Update densmap_demo.rst by @aizardar in #973
- Allow UMAP to accept data with nan or inf values by @SamKlier in #977
- new spectral initialization option: a truncated SVD-warmed lobpcg by @jlmelville in #924
- fix: fix and numpy.float deprecation to be compatible with numpy >= 1.20.0 by @TTTPOB in #1010
- Docs | Add missing space in precomputed_k-nn.rst by @Odessit007 in #1014
- Docs | Fix typo in supervised.rst by @Odessit007 in #1013
- Update README.rst by @dsblank in #1016
- Fix docstring formatting of init parameter of UMAP class by @felixdivo in #1019
- Plotting Fix: fixing capitalization for Bokeh plotting for version 3.1.1 compatibility by @msakarvadia in #1023
- Issue warning if setting n_jobs and random_state by @crypdick in #1002
- docs : Fix formatting in UMAP class documentation by @Hamza-nabil in #992
- docs: minor typos fix by @0xTiger in #983
- [TYPO] Update precomputed_k-nn.rst by @cakiki in #922
- Bug fix round pre0.5.4 by @lmcinnes in #1038
- Fix unit tests by @hamelin in #1031
- fix relations_dictionary problems which prevents from correctly updating aligned_umap by @hndgzkn in #863
- Drop requirements.txt, embrace for deps by @hamelin in #1044
- Fix unit tests involving spectral initialization by @hamelin in #1043
- Drop dependency on TBB on non-Intel deployments by @hamelin in #1045
- Add azure devops pipeline to push to PyPI by @gclendenning in #1053
New Contributors
- @jgraving made their first contribution in #856
- @hndgzkn made their first contribution in #861
- @GregDemand made their first contribution in #875
- @SkBlaz made their first contribution in #896
- @sky-2002 made their first contribution in #903
- @dribnet made their first contribution in #912
- @suneeta-mall made their first contribution in #858
- @matthieuheitz made their first contribution in #696
- @yannikschaelte made their first contribution in #929
- @BioGeek made their first contribution in #936
- @CarloLepelaars made their first contribution in #939
- @rohan-shah-nearmap made their first contribution in #948
- @aizardar made their first contribution in #973
- @SamKlier made their first contribution in #977
- @TTTPOB made their first contribution in #1010
- @Odessit007 made their first contribution in #1014
- @dsblank made their first contribution in #1016
- @msakarvadia made their first contribution in #1023
- @crypdick made their first contribution in #1002
- @Hamza-nabil made their first contribution in #992
- @0xTiger made their first contribution in #983
- @cakiki made their first contribution in #922
- @hamelin made their first contribution in #1031
- @gclendenning made their first contribution in #1053
Full Changelog: 0.5.3...0.5.4
What's Changed
- Use labels in AlignedUMAP if provided by @gclen in #802
- Properly escape invalid escape sequences. by @brilee in #807
- Update parametric_umap.rst by @timsainb in #811
- homtopically -> homotopically by @faisito in #820
- covert -> convert by @faisito in #819
- super minor grammar by @faisito in #818
- Add Mutual-NN Description by @adalmia96 in #822
- Loss needs to be handled independently now as well by @lmcinnes in #808
- Fix header for Mutual NN Doc by @adalmia96 in #823
- Add missing links for graph layout methods by @jlmelville in #829
- tighten test_umap_trustworthiness_fast_approx bound by @austereantelope in #832
New Contributors
- @brilee made their first contribution in #807
- @faisito made their first contribution in #820
- @adalmia96 made their first contribution in #822
- @austereantelope made their first contribution in #832
Full Changelog: 0.5.2...0.5.3
Major release 0.5
Adds support for ParametricUMAP, DensMAP, AlignedUMAP and more.
Minor patch release
Fix some issues with the latest scipy sparse lil_matrix handling.