This API is designed to interact with the Quantified Self front end located here.
GET /api/v1/foods
-Return all foods in the database
GET /api/v1/foods/:id
-Returns the requested food by id
POST /api/v1/foods
-Creates a new food record in the database
DELETE /api/v1/foods/:id
-Deletes a food record from the database by id
PATCH /api/v1/foods/:id
-Updates a food record by id
GET /api/v1/meals
-Returns all meals with their associated foods
GET /api/v1/meals/:meal_id/foods
-Returns all the foods that belong to the meal id
POST /api/v1/meals/:meal_id/foods/:id
-Creates a food that belongs to the meal id
DELETE /api/v1/meals/:meal_id/foods/:id
-Removes a food that belongs to the meal id