Repo containing my configuration files.
Opening a NestJS project file using nnn, nvim & telescope.
Below are the prerequisites and setup per (config) folder where necessary.
After stowing nvim
(see Usage), installing the LSP servers below
and running :PlugInstall
in neovim, supported languages & files should be:
- Vim configuration files
- Dockerfiles
- Ansible (y[a]ml files)
- LaTeX
- JavaScript
- TypeScript
- Python
- Lua
- Rust
- java
Make sure you have the following dependencies:
For intellisense to work, install the following language servers that implement the LSP protocol:
- vimls
- dockerls
- ansible language server
- texlab
- tsserver
- pyright
- sumneko/lua-language-server
- rust-analyzer
Stow is used to create symlinks, just run stow <directory>
from within the
repo directory, e.g. stow nvim
. This will stow the contents of the nvim
directory one directory up and create the necessary symlinks.
💡 Clone the repo from within your home folder, resulting in
. This ensures that symlinks to (a config file in)<folder>
are in the location where a program is expecting it's config files.
In my case, I cloned the repo into $HOME/.dotfiles
. Running the above command
will result in $HOME/.config/nvim -> $HOME/.dotfiles/nvim/.config/nvim
symlink in the .config
folder -- nvim -- pointing to the nvim
folder in the
dotfiles repo).