Releases: loaf-scripts/loaf_spikestrips
Releases · loaf-scripts/loaf_spikestrips
Fix issue with spike strip entities despawning when Config.SpawnMethod is set to server.
Fix issue with spike strips not spawning if cache.coords is not defined and Config.SpawnMethod is set to local
Use rotation instead of heading. Update rotation if it is out of sync.
Release v1.1.2
- Your tyres will now burst even if your vehicle is going insanely fast
- Added "NPCVehicles" which will burst the tyres of npc vehicles if enabled (Note: performance heavy), see video
- Spike strips should no longer despawn when you walk away
- Improved the code
Release v1.1.1
- Added support for qb-core
- Improved the animation for laying down a spikestrip
- You will no longer receive a spike strip if your inventory is full
Release v1.1.0
Changes (standalone):
- Menu to place & remove spike strips, can be opened via keybind & command
- Removed /stinger command, use the menu instead
- Performance
- Added event "loaf_spikestrips:placeSpikestrip" which creates a spike strip
- Added event "loaf_spikestrips:spikestripMenu" which opens the new menu
- Re-wrote the system to check if a tyre is touching the spike strip
Changes (ESX)
- Added the ability to spawn a spike strip via an item
- If you remove a spike strip, you will get an item (can be disabled in the config)
- Configurable if you want to use ESX menu system or WarMenu system for the menu
Release v1.0.0
First version.