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kencrim committed Mar 18, 2024
1 parent 96e165c commit 33e2a37
Showing 1 changed file with 1 addition and 1 deletion.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/components/Icons/BankAccount.vue
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
d="M21 9.99951C21.1313 9.99954 21.2614 9.9737 21.3827 9.92346C21.5041 9.87322 21.6143 9.79956 21.7072 9.70669C21.8 9.61383 21.8737 9.50357 21.9239 9.38223C21.9742 9.26089 22 9.13084 22 8.99951V5.99951C22.0001 5.78969 21.9341 5.58516 21.8114 5.41495C21.6887 5.24475 21.5155 5.1175 21.3164 5.05127L12.3164 2.05127C12.111 1.98291 11.889 1.98291 11.6836 2.05127L2.68359 5.05127C2.48449 5.1175 2.31131 5.24475 2.18861 5.41495C2.0659 5.58516 1.99991 5.78969 2 5.99951V8.99951C1.99997 9.13084 2.02581 9.26089 2.07605 9.38223C2.12629 9.50357 2.19995 9.61383 2.29282 9.70669C2.38568 9.79956 2.49594 9.87322 2.61728 9.92346C2.73862 9.9737 2.86867 9.99954 3 9.99951H4V17.1838C3.41674 17.3892 2.91137 17.7702 2.55327 18.2743C2.19517 18.7785 2.0019 19.3811 2 19.9995V21.9995C1.99997 22.1308 2.02581 22.2609 2.07605 22.3822C2.12629 22.5036 2.19995 22.6138 2.29282 22.7067C2.38568 22.7996 2.49594 22.8732 2.61728 22.9235C2.73862 22.9737 2.86867 22.9995 3 22.9995H21C21.1313 22.9995 21.2614 22.9737 21.3827 22.9235C21.5041 22.8732 21.6143 22.7996 21.7072 22.7067C21.8 22.6138 21.8737 22.5036 21.9239 22.3822C21.9742 22.2609 22 22.1308 22 21.9995V19.9995C21.9981 19.3811 21.8048 18.7785 21.4467 18.2743C21.0886 17.7702 20.5833 17.3892 20 17.1838V9.99951H21ZM20 20.9995H4V19.9995C4.00026 19.7344 4.10571 19.4802 4.29319 19.2927C4.48066 19.1052 4.73486 18.9998 5 18.9995H19C19.2651 18.9998 19.5193 19.1052 19.7068 19.2927C19.8943 19.4802 19.9997 19.7344 20 19.9995V20.9995ZM6 16.9995V9.99951H8V16.9995H6ZM10 16.9995V9.99951H14V16.9995H10ZM16 16.9995V9.99951H18V16.9995H16ZM4 7.99951V6.72021L12 4.05321L20 6.72021V7.99951H4Z"
d="M 17.5 8.332031 C 17.609375 8.332031 17.71875 8.3125 17.820312 8.269531 C 17.921875 8.226562 18.011719 8.167969 18.089844 8.089844 C 18.167969 8.011719 18.226562 7.917969 18.269531 7.820312 C 18.3125 7.71875 18.332031 7.609375 18.332031 7.5 L 18.332031 5 C 18.332031 4.824219 18.277344 4.65625 18.175781 4.511719 C 18.074219 4.371094 17.929688 4.265625 17.761719 4.210938 L 10.261719 1.710938 C 10.09375 1.652344 9.90625 1.652344 9.738281 1.710938 L 2.234375 4.210938 C 2.070312 4.265625 1.925781 4.371094 1.824219 4.511719 C 1.722656 4.65625 1.667969 4.824219 1.667969 5 L 1.667969 7.5 C 1.667969 7.609375 1.6875 7.71875 1.730469 7.820312 C 1.773438 7.917969 1.832031 8.011719 1.910156 8.089844 C 1.988281 8.167969 2.078125 8.226562 2.179688 8.269531 C 2.28125 8.3125 2.390625 8.332031 2.5 8.332031 L 3.332031 8.332031 L 3.332031 14.320312 C 2.847656 14.492188 2.425781 14.808594 2.128906 15.230469 C 1.828125 15.648438 1.667969 16.152344 1.667969 16.667969 L 1.667969 18.332031 C 1.667969 18.441406 1.6875 18.550781 1.730469 18.652344 C 1.773438 18.753906 1.832031 18.84375 1.910156 18.921875 C 1.988281 19 2.078125 19.0625 2.179688 19.101562 C 2.28125 19.144531 2.390625 19.167969 2.5 19.167969 L 17.5 19.167969 C 17.609375 19.167969 17.71875 19.144531 17.820312 19.101562 C 17.921875 19.0625 18.011719 19 18.089844 18.921875 C 18.167969 18.84375 18.226562 18.753906 18.269531 18.652344 C 18.3125 18.550781 18.332031 18.441406 18.332031 18.332031 L 18.332031 16.667969 C 18.332031 16.152344 18.171875 15.648438 17.871094 15.230469 C 17.574219 14.808594 17.152344 14.492188 16.667969 14.320312 L 16.667969 8.332031 Z M 16.667969 17.5 L 3.332031 17.5 L 3.332031 16.667969 C 3.332031 16.445312 3.421875 16.234375 3.578125 16.078125 C 3.734375 15.921875 3.945312 15.832031 4.167969 15.832031 L 15.832031 15.832031 C 16.054688 15.832031 16.265625 15.921875 16.421875 16.078125 C 16.578125 16.234375 16.667969 16.445312 16.667969 16.667969 Z M 5 14.167969 L 5 8.332031 L 6.667969 8.332031 L 6.667969 14.167969 Z M 8.332031 14.167969 L 8.332031 8.332031 L 11.667969 8.332031 L 11.667969 14.167969 Z M 13.332031 14.167969 L 13.332031 8.332031 L 15 8.332031 L 15 14.167969 Z M 3.332031 6.667969 L 3.332031 5.601562 L 10 3.378906 L 16.667969 5.601562 L 16.667969 6.667969 Z M 3.332031 6.667969 "
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