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Unity Plugins (iOS & Android)

To use these Localytics Plugins for Unity:

  • Build and Import the Unity Packages from the LocalyticsPlugin Project into your Unity Project
  • Setup the SDK within Unity and the native development platforms (setting Localytics App Key and Push notification)
  • Start calling the Localytics API from any MonoBehavior

Building and Importing the Unity Plugin Packages

You will need development environment setup for Unity, Android and/or iOS. After that,

  1. Build the Plugins (or use the generated ones from /release folder)

Call or generate_packages.bat contained in the root of this repository, depending on your system (OSX or Windows). Make sure the LocalyticsPlugin project is closed when executing these scripts. Otherwise, you may experience issues. The generated packages will be in the 'packages' folder with the respective version x.x.x. (i.e. localytics-unity-android-x.x.x.unitypackage and localytics-unity-ios-x.x.x.unitypackage)

  1. Import the Unity Packages

Go to "Asset" -> "Import Package" -> "Custom Package..." and Navigate to the generated .unitypackage for Android and/or iOS in Step 1.

Setup the SDK


  1. Inside Unity, enable AdSupport framework for libLocalytics.a:
  • Within Unity navigate to "Assets" -> "Plugins" -> "iOS".
  • Select libLocalytics.a, and within the Import Settings section of the Inspector tab, enable AdSupport.
  • Click Apply.
  1. Initialization in UnityAppController

Inside Unity, is included within 'Assets/Plugins/iOS' as a template; if the application already has another UnityAppController, they need to be merged. You can also modify the file within the exported XCode project, but the changes won't persist if the project is regenerated from Unity.

  • Call autoIntegrate with your Locatlyics App Key

    [Localytics autoIntegrate:@"xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx" launchOptions:launchOptions];
  • (Optional) Push notification setup (see and the push messaging documentation).

  1. Inside Unity, configure test mode by adding the URL scheme:
  • Open Player Settings by navigating to "Edit" -> "Project Settings" -> "Player".
  • Select the Settings for iOS tab within the Inspector tab.
  • Within the Other Settings section, set the Supported URL Schemes size value to 1, and then set the element value to "amp" followed by your App Key (e.g. "ampYOUR_APP_KEY").
  1. After you generate and open the XCode project, add the libsqlite3.tbd and libz.tbd libraries (located under "General" -> "Linked Frameworks and Libraries" in the .xcodeproj settings)


Note: Due to a Unity bug, you may not be able to build and run with the latest version of Android sdk tools. This has been tested with sdk tools version 25.2.2.

  1. Inside Unity, AndroidManifest.xml is included within "Assets/Plugins/Android" as a sample; you may provide your own. You can also modify the file within the exported Android project, but the changes won't persist if the project is regenerated from Unity. The following changes are needed in the sample AndroidManifest.xml, or they need to be added to your existing AndroidManifest.xml:
  • Replace the android:value in the sample with your Localytics App Key

    <meta-data android:name="LOCALYTICS_APP_KEY" android:value="xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx"/>
* Replace YOUR_APP_KEY with your Localytics App Key in the test mode `IntentFilter` within the main `Activity` declaration. The value should be "amp" followed by your App Key (e.g. "ampYOUR_APP_KEY").
``` * Replace YOUR.PACKAGE.NAME with your application's package identifier in all locations where this placeholder exists:
// e.g.,
<permission android:name="YOUR.PACKAGE.NAME.permission.C2D_MESSAGE" android:protectionLevel="signature" />
<uses-permission android:name="YOUR.PACKAGE.NAME.permission.C2D_MESSAGE" />
  • (Optional) Setup Push with your Project Number (not the Project ID string).

    // Important: You need to escape a space in front of the value.
    // Otherwise it will be interpreted as an int,
    // which is not a large enough data type to hold a project ID
    <meta-data android:name="LOCALYTICS_PUSH_PROJECT_ID" android:value="\ #################"/>
  1. Modifying Application launcher

If the existing Unity Android Project already has a main Application/Activity defined, you will need to merge this with our class. For references on what is needed, refer the Application and Activity class inside "localytics-android/src" within this repository; you can also inspect the class inside Android Studio). Basically the following is needed.

  • Inside onCreate() of or your main application, call this

    registerActivityLifecycleCallbacks(new LocalyticsActivityLifecycleCallbacks(this));
  • Inside onCreate() of or your main activity, you may want to register Push. Most of the other code within this file are the same as the template Activity generated (i.e. UnityPlayerActivity).

        ApplicationInfo appInfo = getPackageManager().getApplicationInfo(getPackageName(), PackageManager.GET_META_DATA);
        String pushId = appInfo.metaData.getString("LOCALYTICS_PUSH_PROJECT_ID");
    catch (NameNotFoundException e)

Calling the SDK in C#

After successfully setting up the SDK, the static function for the Localytics C# class should be available within any MonoBehaviour of the project under the LocalyticsUnity namespace.

using LocalyticsUnity;

// or

namespace LocalyticsUnity {

Localytics will automatically initiate when the application loads (i.e. auto integrate and setup any Messaging specified in previous steps) and you can call it at any time. Note that the scripts should not be called from the editor, so preprocessor directives may be necessary.

When targeting iOS or Android only, most methods can be called without preprocessor directives:

// within a MonoBehaviour
Localytics.LoggingEnabled = true;


// e.g. with preprocessor directives

// It can also be just

When targeting platforms other than iOS or Android, a NotImplementedException will be thrown if these SDK method are called. Therefore you should considering using preprocessor directives regardless if you support other platforms.

A small subset of the API requires preprocessor directives:

// within a MonoBehaviour



Localytics.DisplayPushNotification(Dictionary<string, string> data);


API References

Sample Application (SampleUnityProject)

To run the project, you need to follow the steps above (Build/Import .unitypackage and setup the SDK). Inside TestLocalytics.cs, there are examples of how to call most of the available API. Note that the sample application call through most of the available API on start up for testing and demo purpose; this is unlikely to be how it fits into a real application. As mention earlier, Localytics will automatically initiate when the application loads (i.e. auto integrate and setup any Messaging specified in previous steps) and you can call the other methods at any time.

Available API

Refer to the iOS and Android Documentation for details of each call. The available API contains almost all of the native API of the same version. Generally, the Pascal Case function name is C# correspond to the native function with the Camel Case name (e.g. Localytics.TagEvent(...) calls tagEvent(...) in the iOS and Android library). The implementation is in Localytics.cs, within the LocalyticsPlugin/Assets/Localytics folder when you imported the .unitypackage.

C# Listeners

These are C# level events that can be dispatched from Localytics service.

// Analytics
public static event LocalyticsDidTagEvent OnLocalyticsDidTagEvent;
public static event LocalyticsSessionDidOpen OnLocalyticsSessionDidOpen;
public static event LocalyticsSessionWillClose OnLocalyticsSessionWillClose;
public static event LocalyticsSessionWillOpen OnLocalyticsSessionWillOpen;

// Messaging
public static event LocalyticsDidDismissInAppMessage OnLocalyticsDidDismissInAppMessage;
public static event LocalyticsDidDisplayInAppMessage OnLocalyticsDidDisplayInAppMessage;
public static event LocalyticsWillDismissInAppMessage OnLocalyticsWillDismissInAppMessage;
public static event LocalyticsWillDisplayInAppMessage OnLocalyticsWillDisplayInAppMessage;

public static event LocalyticsShouldShowPushNotification OnLocalyticsShouldShowPushNotification;
public static event LocalyticsShouldShowPlacesPushNotification OnLocalyticsShouldShowPlacesPushNotification;
public static event LocalyticsWillShowPlacesPushNotification OnLocalyticsWillShowPlacesPushNotification;
public static event LocalyticsWillShowPushNotification OnLocalyticsWillShowPushNotification;

// Location
public static event LocalyticsDidUpdateLocation OnLocalyticsDidUpdateLocation;
public static event LocalyticsDidTriggerRegions OnLocalyticsDidTriggerRegions;
public static event LocalyticsDidUpdateMonitoredGeofences OnLocalyticsDidUpdateMonitoredGeofences;

In order to listen to them,

// Register for Analytics, Messaging, and Location Events

// Add Analytics Event Handlers
Localytics.OnLocalyticsDidTagEvent += Localytics_OnLocalyticsDidTagEvent;
Localytics.OnLocalyticsSessionWillOpen += Localytics_OnLocalyticsSessionWillOpen;
Localytics.OnLocalyticsSessionDidOpen += Localytics_OnLocalyticsSessionDidOpen;
Localytics.OnLocalyticsSessionWillClose += Localytics_OnLocalyticsSessionWillClose;

// Add Messaging Event Handlers
Localytics.OnLocalyticsDidDismissInAppMessage += Localytics_OnLocalyticsDidDismissInAppMessage;
Localytics.OnLocalyticsDidDisplayInAppMessage += Localytics_OnLocalyticsDidDisplayInAppMessage;
Localytics.OnLocalyticsWillDismissInAppMessage += Localytics_OnLocalyticsWillDismissInAppMessage;
Localytics.OnLocalyticsWillDisplayInAppMessage += Localytics_OnLocalyticsWillDisplayInAppMessage;
Localytics.OnLocalyticsShouldShowPushNotification += Localytics_OnLocalyticsShouldShowPushNotification;
Localytics.OnLocalyticsShouldShowPlacesPushNotification += Localytics_OnLocalyticsShouldShowPlacesPushNotification;
Localytics.OnLocalyticsWillShowPushNotification += Localytics_OnLocalyticsWillShowPushNotification;
Localytics.OnLocalyticsWillShowPlacesPushNotification += Localytics_OnLocalyticsWillShowPlacesPushNotification;

// Add Location Event Handlers
Localytics.OnLocalyticsDidUpdateLocation += Localytics_OnLocalyticsDidUpdateLocation;
Localytics.OnLocalyticsDidTriggerRegions += Localytics_OnLocalyticsDidTriggerRegions;
Localytics.OnLocalyticsDidUpdateMonitoredGeofences += Localytics_OnLocalyticsDidUpdateMonitoredGeofences;

// Sample Event Handlers to demonstrate.
void Localytics_OnLocalyticsDidTagEvent(string eventName, Dictionary<string, string> attributes, long customerValueIncrease)
    Debug.Log("Did tag event: name: " + eventName + " attributes.Count: " + attributes.Count + " customerValueIncrease: " + customerValueIncrease);

void Localytics_OnLocalyticsSessionWillClose()
    Debug.Log("Session will close");

void Localytics_OnLocalyticsSessionDidOpen(bool isFirst, bool isUpgrade, bool isResume)
    Debug.Log("Session did open: isFirst: " + isFirst + " isUpgrade: " + isUpgrade + " isResume: " + isResume);

void Localytics_OnLocalyticsSessionWillOpen(bool isFirst, bool isUpgrade, bool isResume)
    Debug.Log("Session will open: isFirst: " + isFirst + " isUpgrade: " + isUpgrade + " isResume: " + isResume);

void Localytics_OnLocalyticsDidDismissInAppMessage()
    Debug.Log ("DidDismissInAppMessage");

void Localytics_OnLocalyticsDidDisplayInAppMessage()
    Debug.Log ("DidDisplayInAppMessage");

void Localytics_OnLocalyticsWillDismissInAppMessage()
    Debug.Log ("WillDismissInAppMessage");

void Localytics_OnLocalyticsWillDisplayInAppMessage()
	Debug.Log ("WillDisplayInAppMessage");

bool Localytics_OnLocalyticsShouldShowPushNotification(PushCampaignInfo campaign)
	Debug.Log ("ShouldShowPushNotification");
	return true; // return false to suppress the notification

bool Localytics_OnLocalyticsShouldShowPlacesPushNotification(PlacesCampaignInfo campaign)
	Debug.Log ("ShouldShowPlacesPushNotification");
	return true; // return false to suppress the notification

AndroidJavaObject Localytics_OnLocalyticsWillShowPushNotification(AndroidJavaObject notificationBuilder, PushCampaignInfo campaign)
	Debug.Log ("WillShowPushNotification");
  // ... optionally modify the notificationBuilder
	//notificationBuilder.Call<AndroidJavaObject> ("setContentTitle", "New Title");
	return notificationBuilder;

AndroidJavaObject Localytics_OnLocalyticsWillShowPlacesPushNotification(AndroidJavaObject notificationBuilder, PlacesCampaignInfo campaign)
	Debug.Log ("WillShowPlacesPushNotification");
  // ... optionally modify the notificationBuilder
	//notificationBuilder.Call<AndroidJavaObject> ("setContentTitle", "New Title");
	return notificationBuilder;

void Localytics_OnLocalyticsDidUpdateLocation(AndroidJavaObject location)
	Debug.Log ("DidUpdateLocation");
	double latitude = location.Call<double> ("getLatitude");
	double longitude = location.Call<double> ("getLongitude");
	Debug.Log ("lat=" + latitude + " lng=" + longitude);
void Localytics_OnLocalyticsDidUpdateLocation(Dictionary<string, object> locationDict)
	Debug.Log ("DidUpdateLocation");
	Debug.Log ("lat=" + locationDict["latitude"] + " lng=" + locationDict["longitude"]);

void Localytics_OnLocalyticsDidTriggerRegions(List<CircularRegionInfo> regions, Localytics.RegionEvent regionEvent)
	Debug.Log ("DidTriggerRegions for event: " + regionEvent);

void Localytics_OnLocalyticsDidUpdateMonitoredGeofences(List<CircularRegionInfo> added, List<CircularRegionInfo> removed)
	Debug.Log ("DidUpdateMonitoredGeofences");

Localytics C# Class Members List

// Version 4.2.0
public enum ProfileScope { Application, Organization }
public enum InAppMessageDismissButtonLocation { Left, Right }
public enum RegionEvent { Enter, Exit }

// Analytics Events
public static event LocalyticsDidTagEvent OnLocalyticsDidTagEvent;
public static event LocalyticsSessionDidOpen OnLocalyticsSessionDidOpen;
public static event LocalyticsSessionWillClose OnLocalyticsSessionWillClose;
public static event LocalyticsSessionWillOpen OnLocalyticsSessionWillOpen;

// Messaging Events
public static event LocalyticsDidDismissInAppMessage OnLocalyticsDidDismissInAppMessage;
public static event LocalyticsDidDisplayInAppMessage OnLocalyticsDidDisplayInAppMessage;
public static event LocalyticsWillDismissInAppMessage OnLocalyticsWillDismissInAppMessage;
public static event LocalyticsWillDisplayInAppMessage OnLocalyticsWillDisplayInAppMessage;
public static event LocalyticsShouldShowPushNotification OnLocalyticsShouldShowPushNotification;
public static event LocalyticsShouldShowPlacesPushNotification OnLocalyticsShouldShowPlacesPushNotification;
public static event LocalyticsWillShowPlacesPushNotification OnLocalyticsWillShowPlacesPushNotification;
public static event LocalyticsWillShowPushNotification OnLocalyticsWillShowPushNotification;

// Location Events
public static event LocalyticsDidUpdateLocation OnLocalyticsDidUpdateLocation;
public static event LocalyticsDidTriggerRegions OnLocalyticsDidTriggerRegions;
public static event LocalyticsDidUpdateMonitoredGeofences OnLocalyticsDidUpdateMonitoredGeofences;

// Integration
public static void Upload()

// Analytics
public static void OpenSession()
public static void CloseSession()
public static void TagEvent(string eventName, Dictionary<string, string> attributes = null, long customerValueIncrease = 0)
public static void TagPurchased(string itemName, string itemId, string itemType, long itemPrice, Dictionary<string, string> attributes)
public static void TagAddedToCart(string itemName, string itemId, string itemType, long itemPrice, Dictionary<string, string> attributes)
public static void TagStartedCheckout(long totalPrice, long itemCount, Dictionary<string, string> attributes)
public static void TagCompletedCheckout(long totalPrice, long itemCount, Dictionary<string, string> attributes)
public static void TagContentViewed(string contentName, string contentId, string contentType, Dictionary<string, string> attributes)
public static void TagSearched(string queryText, string contentType, long resultCount, Dictionary<string, string> attributes)
public static void TagShared(string contentName, string contentId, string contentType, string methodName, Dictionary<string, string> attributes)
public static void TagContentRated(string contentName, string contentId, string contentType, long rating, Dictionary<string, string> attributes)
public static void TagCustomerRegistered(CustomerInfo customer, string methodName, Dictionary<string, string> attributes)
public static void TagCustomerLoggedIn(CustomerInfo customer, string methodName, Dictionary<string, string> attributes)
public static void TagCustomerLoggedOut(Dictionary<string, string> attributes)
public static void TagInvited(string methodName, Dictionary<string, string> attributes)
public static void TagScreen(string screen)
public static string GetCustomDimension(int dimension)
public static void SetCustomDimension(int dimension, string value)
public static bool OptedOut
public static void RegisterForAnalyticsEvents()
public static void UnregisterForAnalyticsEvents()

// Profiles
public static void SetProfileAttribute(string attributeName, long attributeValue, ProfileScope scope = ProfileScope.Application)
public static void SetProfileAttribute(string attributeName, long[] attributeValue, ProfileScope scope = ProfileScope.Application)
public static void SetProfileAttribute(string attributeName, string attributeValue, ProfileScope scope = ProfileScope.Application)
public static void SetProfileAttribute(string attributeName, string[] attributeValue, ProfileScope scope = ProfileScope.Application)
public static void DeleteProfileAttribute(string attributeName, ProfileScope scope = ProfileScope.Application)
public static void AddProfileAttributesToSet(string attributeName, long[] attributeValue, ProfileScope scope = ProfileScope.Application)
public static void AddProfileAttributesToSet(string attributeName, string[] attributeValue, ProfileScope scope = ProfileScope.Application)
public static void RemoveProfileAttributesFromSet(string attributeName, long[] attributeValue, ProfileScope scope = ProfileScope.Application)
public static void RemoveProfileAttributesFromSet(string attributeName, string[] attributeValue, ProfileScope scope = ProfileScope.Application)
public static void IncrementProfileAttribute(string attributeName, long attributeValue, ProfileScope scope = ProfileScope.Application)
public static void DecrementProfileAttribute(string attributeName, long decrementValue, ProfileScope scope = ProfileScope.Application)
public static void SetCustomerEmail(string email)
public static void SetCustomerFirstName(string firstName)
public static void SetCustomerLastName(string lastName)
public static void SetCustomerFullName(string fullName)

// Marketing
public static void TriggerInAppMessage(string triggerName, Dictionary<string, string> attributes = null)
public static void DismissCurrentInAppMessage()
public static InAppMessageDismissButtonLocation InAppMessageDismissButtonLocationEnum
public static bool TestModeEnabled
public static void ClearInAppMessageDisplayActivity() // Android only
public static void RegisterPush(string senderId) // Android only
public static void DisplayPushNotification(Dictionary<string, string> data) // Android only
public static string PushRegistrationId // Android only
public static bool NotificationsDisabled // Android only
public static string PushToken
public static bool InAppAdIdParameterEnabled
public static void RegisterForMessagingEvents()
public static void UnregisterForMessagingEvents()

// Location
public static bool LocationMonitoringEnabled
public static List<CircularRegionInfo> GetGeofencesToMonitor(double latitude, double longitude)
public static void TriggerRegions(List<CircularRegionInfo> regions, RegionEvent regionEvent)
public static void RegisterForLocationEvents()
public static void UnregisterForLocationEvents()

// User Information
public static string CustomerId
public static string GetIdentifier(string key)
public static void SetIdentifier(string key, string value)
public static void SetLocation(LocationInfo location)

// Developer Options
public static void SetOption(string key, string stringValue)
public static void SetOption(string key, long longValue)
public static void SetOption(string key, bool boolValue)
public static string AppKey
public static string InstallId
public static string LibraryVersion
public static bool LoggingEnabled

Other Public Classes

public class CustomerInfo
  public string CustomerId
      return customerId;
      customerId = value;

  public string FirstName
      return firstName;
      firstName = value;

  public string LastName
      return lastName;
      lastName = value;

  public string FullName
      return fullName;
      fullName = value;

  public string EmailAddress
      return emailAddress;
      emailAddress = value;

  public Dictionary<string, string> ToDictionary()
    Dictionary<string, string> dict = new Dictionary<string, string>();
    if (customerId != null)
      dict.Add("customer_id", customerId);
    if (firstName != null)
      dict.Add("first_name", firstName);
    if (lastName != null)
      dict.Add("last_name", lastName);
    if (fullName != null)
      dict.Add("full_name", fullName);
    if (emailAddress != null)
      dict.Add("email_address", emailAddress);
    return dict;

public class RegionInfo
  public string UniqueId
      return uniqueId;
      uniqueId = value;

  public double Latitude
      return latitude;
      latitude = value;

  public double Longitude
      return longitude;
      longitude = value;

  public string Name
      return name;
      name = value;

  public string Type
      return type;
      type = value;

  public Dictionary<string, string> Attributes
      return attributes;
      attributes = value;

public class CircularRegionInfo : RegionInfo
  public int Radius
      return radius;
      radius = value;

public class CampaignInfo
  public long CampaignId
      return campaignId;
      campaignId = value;

  public string Name
      return name;
      name = value;

  public Dictionary<string, string> Attributes
      return attributes;
      attributes = value;

public class NotificationCampaignInfo : CampaignInfo
  public long CreativeId
      return creativeId;
      creativeId = value;

  public string CreativeType
      return creativeType;
      creativeType = value;

  public string Message
      return message;
      message = value;

  public string SoundFilename
      return soundFilename;
      soundFilename = value;

public class PushCampaignInfo : NotificationCampaignInfo

public class PlacesCampaignInfo : NotificationCampaignInfo
  public CircularRegionInfo Region
      return region;
      region = value;

  public Localytics.RegionEvent TriggerEvent
      return triggerEvent;
      triggerEvent = value;