Jump right into v0.4.0 with all the changes in the v0.3.0-alpha-0.1.
- Provide a better secret management system with Hashicorp Vault, External-Secret and secret-generator-rs
- Add a fully functional auto-unseal and initialize Vault, Authentik and Gitea
- Enable all service monitors and operational dashboards
- Add Matrix chat server - include: Dendrite (monolith deployment) and Element.io
- Add a init-tool image build and proper RBAC to make it work across the cluster
- Bootstrap now manages itself and other layer applications as well.
- Add data layer to separate different environments
Fixes & Improvements
- Update the deployment document and diagrams
- Switch ArgoCD deployment from kustomization to using Helm chart instead in #33
- Add document on secret management by in #52
- Increase NGINX body size limit by @khuedoan in #34
- Fix a bunch of sidecar issues and auto-injected environment variable from Jaeger deployments
- Small improvment to the metallb configuration
- Fix sync-wave orders
- Upgrade a several stacks
Closed milestone#1:v0.4.0