TAS version | Compatible? |
2.13 | |
2.12 | |
2.11 | |
2.10 | |
2.7 |
Go automation for managing orgs, spaces, users (from ldap groups or internal store) mapping to roles, quotas, application security groups and private-domains that can be driven from concourse pipeline and GIT managed metadata
There has been major refactoring to internals of cf-mgmt to remove duplicate code that is not supported by go-cfclient library. This release SHOULD be backward compatible but wanting to make community aware of a major change. This will be released as the latest tag on dockerhub. If you experience any problems you can revert your cf-mgmt to use the previously released version with tag 0.0.91
This can be done by modifying you cf-mgmt.yml concourse task with the following:
platform: linux
type: docker-image
source: {repository: pivotalservices/cf-mgmt, tag: "0.0.91"}
- name: config-repo
path: config-repo/ci/tasks/cf-mgmt.sh
The cf-mgmt tool is composed by 2 CLIs, cf-mgmt
and cf-mgmt-config
, providing the features to declarativelly manage orgs, spaces, users mapping to roles, quotas, application security groups and private-domains.
cf-mgmt-config CLI is resposible for creating the configuration files that represent the desired state of your foundation and provides the set of commands for you to manage this configuration.
cf-mgmt CLI is resposible to apply the configuration generated by
tool to the foundation. It provides commands to apply the config as a whole or only parts of it.
A common use of cf-mgmt
is to generate a Concourse pipeline that apply the configuration generated by cf-mgmt-config
to a foundation. This is done by using a git repository as a resouce for the configuration and having the pipeline to read from there and apply the changes. cf-mgmt
provides a command to generate this pipeline. See more at the Gettting Started section below.
If there's already a configured foundation that you want to start using cf-mgmt on, cf-mgmt export-config
command will export the current foundation configs and generate the files for cf-mgmt usage. See more in the docs.
Compiled releases are available on Github.
Download the binary for your platform and place it somewhere on your path.
Don't forget to chmod +x
the file on Linux and macOS.
cf-mgmt needs a uaa client to be able to interact with cloud controller and uaa for create, updating, deleting, and listing entities.
To create a non-admin client execute the following command with Cloud Foundry UAA Client. Recent addition of 2 authorities needed to setup shared domains with tcp routing routing.router_groups.read
uaac target uaa.<system-domain>
uaac token client get <adminuserid> -s <admin-client-secret>
uaac client add cf-mgmt \
--name cf-mgmt \
--secret <cf-mgmt-secret> \
--authorized_grant_types client_credentials,refresh_token \
--authorities cloud_controller.admin,scim.read,scim.write,routing.router_groups.read
Or with the golang-based UAA CLI:
go install github.com/cloudfoundry-incubator/uaa-cli
uaa-cli target https://uaa.<system-domain>
uaa-cli get-client-credentials-token <adminuserid> -s <admin-client-secret>
uaa-cli create-client cf-mgmt \
--client_secret <cf-mgmt-secret> \
--authorized_grant_types client_credentials,refresh_token \
--authorities cloud_controller.admin,scim.read,scim.write,routing.router_groups.read
Navigate into a directory in which will become your git repository for cf-mgmt configuration
Initialize git repository by either cloning a remote or using
git init
- This git repository is going to be used as a place to store the config files and will be consumed by a Concourse Pipeline. You should not push your
file or any other files with secrets to this repo.
- This git repository is going to be used as a place to store the config files and will be consumed by a Concourse Pipeline. You should not push your
Create initial configuration files. You can either setup your configuration by using
command orexport-config
if you want to start managing a foundation that already have some workspace setup:- init command from
if you are wanting to start with a blank configuration and add the config usingcf-mgmt-config
operations - export-config command from
if you have an existing foundation you can use this to reverse engineer your configuration.
- init command from
By default,
has theenable-delete-orgs
option set tofalse
to avoid unintentional deletions. If you'd like to havecf-mgmt
handle deletion of orgs as well, please double check the list ofprotected-orgs
and update theenable-delete-orgs
flag to true in theorgs.yml
of your config repository. You can also modify these settings using thecf-mgmt-config update-orgs
Check the config docs to understand the configuration files structure
(optional) Configure LDAP/SAML Options. If your foundation uses LDAP and/or SAML, you will need to configure ldap.yml with the correct values.
Generate the concourse pipeline using
cf-mgmt-config [OPTIONS] generate-concourse-pipeline [generate-concourse-pipeline-OPTIONS]
Make sure you .gitingore the vars.yml file that is generated:
echo vars.yml >> .gitignore
Update your
file with your config git repo info, domains and the UAA client info you created in the previous section.- Use the UAA Client name as
- Use the UAA Client name as
Commit and push your changes to your git repository.
- After you
the pipeline in the next step, the pipeline will observe this repository and start a new run everytime you push new configurations to the repository.
- After you
fly your pipeline after you have filled in vars.yml
fly -t <targetname> login -c <concourse_instance>
fly -t <targetname> set-pipeline -p <pipeline_name> \
-c pipeline.yml \
-l vars.yml \
—-var "ldap_password=<ldap_password>" \
--var "client_secret=<client_secret>" \
—-var "password=<org/space_admin_password>"
Check the Concourse docs if not familiar with the
- Look for your new Pipeline in your Concourse console. If everything was properly configured all tasks of your pipeline should execute successfully.
You now have a Pipeline ready to apply configuration changes to your foundation. Explore the docs to learn the available commands in
, try creating new workspace configs, then commit and push the files to you git repository. Your pipeline should kick in and apply the changes.
cf-mgmt is a community supported cloud foundry add-on. Opening issues for questions, feature requests and/or bugs is the best path to getting "support". We strive to be active in keeping this tool working and meeting your needs in a timely fashion.
Compiled releases are available on Github.
Download the binary for your platform and place it somewhere on your path.
Don't forget to chmod +x
the file on Linux and macOS.
Alternatively, you may wish to build from source.
When opening an issue please provide debug level output (scrubbed for any customer info) by using latest generated pipeline and setting LOG_LEVEL: debug or modifying current pipeline if you are not using latest pipeline to add the following to specific job step params
LOG_LEVEL: debug
... existing params
is written in Go.
To build the binary yourself, follow these steps:
- Install
. - Clone the repo
- Build:
cd cf-mgmt
go build -o cf-mgmt cmd/cf-mgmt/main.go
go build -o cf-mgmt-config cmd/cf-mgmt-config/main.go
To cross compile, set the $GOOS
environment variables.
For example: GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64 go build
To run the unit tests, use go test ./...
In order to use the key allow-ssh-until
in your space config, you must set
your allow-ssh
to false. cf-mgmt
treats a null value differently than false.
There are integration tests that require some additional configuration.
The LDAP tests require an LDAP server, which can be started with Docker:
docker pull cwashburn/ldap
docker run -d -p 389:389 --name ldap -t cwashburn/ldap
RUN_LDAP_TESTS=true go test ./ldap_integration/...
The remaining integration tests require PCF Dev to be running, the CF CLI, and the UAA CLI.
cf dev start
uaa-cli target https://uaa.dev.cfdev.sh -k
uaa-cli get-client-credentials-token admin -s admin-client-secret
uaa-cli create-client cf-mgmt \
--client_secret cf-mgmt-secret \
--authorized_grant_types client_credentials,refresh_token \
--authorities cloud_controller.admin,scim.read,scim.write,routing.router_groups.read
RUN_INTEGRATION_TESTS=true go test ./integration/...
Some portions of this code are autogenerated. To regenerate them, install the prerequisites:
go get -u github.com/jteeuwen/go-bindata/...
go get -u github.com/maxbrunsfeld/counterfeiter
And then run go generate ./...
from the project directory, or go generate .
from a specific directory.
PRs are always welcome or open issues if you are experiencing an issue and will do my best to address issues in timely fashion.