Project consisted of gathering data from multiple disparate sources to be cleaned and combined into a single tidy dataset.
Required steps:
Gather data from a variety of sources and in different formats
- Import provided twitter-archive-enhanced.csv file from disk
- Download the image-predictions.tsv file from Udacity using requets library
- Call Twitter API to get full JSON objects for each tweet_id in the provided archive and store to a single txt file
- Read in the generated tweet_json file from the API call
Assess and fix quality and tidiness of data - Find issues w/ the data - Fix them
Showcase/analyze the complete, clean, and tidy dataset
- Analyze the dataset to find any interesting relationships
- Ratings over time
- Ratings by type/name (doggo, floofer, pupper, puppo)
- What are the most common breed predictions
- Visualize the findings
- Analyze the dataset to find any interesting relationships