Terraform module used to create Ceph cluster in Kubernetes via Helm using following Rook resources:
- Rook Ceph Operator: Starts the Ceph Operator, which will watch for Ceph CRs (custom resources)
- Rook Ceph Cluster: Creates Ceph CRs that the operator will use to configure the cluster
You'll need to set these up separately:
- Helm provider available and configured against a Kubernetes cluster
- Kubernetes cluster
module "rook_ceph" {
source = "git::[email protected]/log1cb0mb/terraform-helm-rook-ceph.git?ref=main"
chart_name = "rook-ceph"
rook_version = "v1.8.8"
enable_plugins_selinux = "true"
provisioner_replicas = 2
enable_selinux_relabeling = false
hostpath_privileged = true
enable_monitoring = false
enable_toolbox = true
ceph_version = "quay.io/ceph/ceph:v16.2.7"
hostpath_dir = "/var/lib/rook"
mon_count = 3
mgr_count = 2
device_filter = "sdb"
dns_zone = "example.com"
ingress_enabled = true
ingress_class = "nginx"
cluster_issuer = "letsencrypt-production"
custom_blockpools = [
name = "bp-example"
failure_domain = "host"
replicated_pool_size = "3"
crush_root = "dc1"
sc_name = "bp-example"
sc_enabled = true
sc_isdefault = false
sc_reclaim_policy = "Delete"
sc_allow_volume_expansion = true
mount_options = {}
parameters = {}
custom_filesystems = [
name = "fs-example"
failure_domain = "host"
metadata_replicated_pool_size = 3
data_replicated_pool_size = 3
sc_name = "fs-example"
sc_enabled = true
sc_isdefault = false
sc_reclaim_policy = "Delete"
sc_allow_volume_expansion = true
mount_options = {}
parameters = {}
custom_objectstores = [
name = "obj-example"
failure_domain = "host"
metadata_replicated_pool_size = 3
data_erasure_data_chunks = 2
data_erasure_coding_chunks = 1
preserve_pool_ondelete = true
object_gw_port = "80"
object_gw_secure_port = ""
object_gw_ssl_cert = ""
object_gw_instnces = 1
healthcheck_bucket_interval = "60s"
sc_enabled = true
sc_name = "obj-example"
sc_reclaim_policy = "Delete"
parameters = {}
fs_volumesnapshot_class = [
enabled = true
name = "fs-example"
isdefault = true
deletion_policy = "Delete"
annotations = {}
labels = {}
parameters = {}
bp_volumesnapshot_class = [
enabled = true
name = "bp-example"
isdefault = false
deletion_policy = "Delete"
annotations = {}
labels = {}
parameters = {}
Name | Description | Type | Default |
chart_name | Chart name i.e rook-ceph or rook-ceph-cluster | string | rook-ceph |
operator_namespace | Namespace of the main rook operator | string | rook-ceph |
helm_repository | Rook Helm releases repository URL | string | https://charts.rook.io/release |
rook_version | Rook release version for operator and ceph-cluster | string | |
enable_crds | Create Rook CRDs | bool | true |
enable_rbac | Create RBAC resources | bool | true |
enable_psp | Pod Security Policy resources | bool | true |
log_level | he logging level for the operator: ERROR | WARNING | INFO | DEBUG | string | INFO |
enable_rbd_driver | Enable Ceph CSI RBD Driver | bool | true |
enable_cephfs_driver | Enable Ceph CSI CephFS Driver | bool | true |
enable_plugins_selinux | Enable SElinux for CSI Plugins pods | bool | false |
provisioner_replicas | Replicas for csi provisioner deployment | number | 2 |
allow_unsupported_version | Allow starting unsupported ceph-csi image | bool | false |
enable_csi_addons | Enable the CSIAddons sidecar | bool | false |
enable_selinux_relabeling | SElinux relabling for volume mounts | bool | true |
hostpath_privileged | Writing to the hostPath required for Ceph mon and osd pods when using SElinux enabled hosts | bool | false |
enable_monitoring | Ceph monitoring, requires Prometheus to be pre-installed | bool | false |
enable_toolbox | Enable Ceph debugging pod deployment | bool | false |
ceph_version | Ceph image tag | string | quay.io/ceph/ceph:v16.2.7 |
hostpath_dir | Path on the host where configuration data will be persisted | string | /var/lib/rook |
mon_count | Number of mons. Generally recommended to be 3.For highest availability, an odd number of mons should be specified | number | 3 |
mon_multiple_per_node | Mons should only be allowed on the same node for test environments where data loss is acceptable | bool | false |
mgr_count | If HA of the mgr is needed, increase the count to 2 for Active/Standby. Rook will update the mgr services to match the active mgr | number | 2 |
mgr_multiple_per_node | Multiple mgr pods to be allowed on same node | bool | false |
enable_dashboard | Enable CEPH Dashboard | bool | true |
dashboard_ssl | Serve Ceph dashboard using SSL | bool | true |
networking | Network provider configuration i.e Host Networking or multus | string | (WIP) |
device_filter | A regular expression for short kernel names of devices (e.g. sdb) that allows selection of devices to be consumed by OSDs | string | sdb |
ingress_enabled | Create ingress resource for Ceph dashboard | bool | true |
ingress_class | Ingress class name for Ceph dashboard in case using specific ingress controller | string | nginx |
cluster_issuer | Cluster issuer name for signing certificate for SSL Dashboard | string | |
dns_zone | DNS Zone for Ingress host FQDN | string | example.com |
custom_blockpools | Custom Ceph Block Pools in addition to default pool | list(object({ |
[] |
custom_filesystems | Custom Ceph Filesystems in addition to default pool | list(object({ |
[] |
custom_objectstores | Custom Ceph Object Stores in addition to default pool | list(object({ |
[] |
fs_volumesnapshot_class | CephFS Volume Snapshot Class | list(object({ |
[] |
bp_volumesnapshot_class | RBD Volume Snapshot Class | list(object({ |
[] |
Name | Version |
terraform | >= 0.13.0 |
helm | >= 3.x |