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le-dsl-fsm: The Lua DSL FSM library

Building internal Lua 5.1 Domain-Specific Languages as Finite-State Machines.

Copyright (c) 2013, LogicEditor 
Copyright (c) 2013, le-dsl-fsm authors (see `AUTHORS`)

See file COPYRIGHT for the license.

TODO: We need a TOC, generate one

TODO: We also need a short tl;dr description before that wall of text.

Project status

Current version v0.9.0 is a beta release.

The lua-dsl-fsm project is used in production, but is still under development. Expect some changes in APIs and contracts.

Early adopters and pull-requests are very welcome.


Lua, among its other virtues, is designed to be quite well suited to be used as a data description language.

Ad-hoc internal (embedded) DSLs for data description can be built almost at a whim.

This ease, as a project evolves and language grows, often results in a bunch of hard to support spaghetti-like mess. Furthermore, while it is very easy to build a small ad-hoc internal DSL in Lua, it is not so easy to implement full-blown validation and comprehensible diagnostics for that DSL.

Note on terminology: Internal or embedded DSLs are DSLs which [ab]use host general-purpose language syntax to gave user a feeling that he is writing in a different, domain-specific language. I.e. code in internal Lua DSL is valid Lua code, that loadfile() would understand without modifications.

Project goals

The Lua DSL FSM library aims to provide a standard and flexible way to create internal domain-specific languages for Lua, and to help language authors to ensure that their languages are maintainable and have proper validation and diagnostics facilities.

Note: user-friendliness of diagnostics is still far from perfect in current version (v0.9.0), and is to be improved significantly before the release. Please do report any flaws you find as bugs. Pull requests are welcome as well. Validation support will also be improved.

While the library focus is on declarative DSLs, it is generic enough to allow other kinds of internal DSLs to be implemented.

Basic internal Lua DSL constructs

namespace:method "title"
  data = "here";

This is a construct that is commonly used as a basic building block of internal declarative DSLs in Lua. Think about it as a configuration file format section:

[branch "master"]
        remote = origin
        merge = refs/heads/master

In Lua:

git:branch "master"
  remote = "origin";
  merge = "refs/heads/master";

Nesting is also commonly used, often in data format descriptions:

cfg:namespace "git"
  cfg:node "branch"
    cfg:string "remote";
    cfg:string "merge";

There are several other DSL construct forms that are often found in the wild. Note that namespace part is often dropped, especially in more primitive DSLs.

Note: Some examples here are fictional. Pull-requests that help to improve documentation by using real-life examples are very welcome.

A handler function (from pk-test):

test "expected-to-fail" (function()
  error("test failed as expected")

Simple call chain (from Squish):

Option "minify-level" "full"

Simple data table, order-dependent sections (from Premake):

solution "MyApplication"
  configurations { "Debug", "Release" }

  project "MyApplication"
    kind "ConsoleApp"
    language "C++"
    files { "**.h", "**.cpp" }

Title and description (or, in this fictional example, a character and remark):

play:remark [[Hamlet]]
Alas, poor Yorick! I knew him, Horatio; a fellow of infinite jest, of most
excellent fancy; he hath borne me on his back a thousand times; and now,
how abhorred in my imagination it is!

Anatomy of an internal Lua DSL construct

All DSL constructs above are built upon a few basic tricks:

  • Declarative call sugar: Lua allows parentheses to be dropped in a function call, if function is called with a single argument that is either a table literal or a string literal.

    Following calls are the same:

    foo [[bar]]
    foo "bar"
    foo 'bar'

    ...and without sugar can be written as follows:

    local tmp = _G["foo"]
  • Chained function calls: in Lua a function can return a function:

    local function cat(str)
      return cat
    cat "This" " is " "fun"

    Without sugar:

    local tmp1 = cat("This")
    local tmp2 = tmp1(" is ")

Thus, our basic DSL building block:

foo:bar "title"
  data = "here";

...without sugar will look as follows:

      data = "here";

I.e. method bar of a global variable foo, is called with a single string literal argument "title". The method bar returns a function, which is called in turn with a single table literal argument { data = "here"}.

This micro-DSL can be naïvely implemented as follows:

foo = -- A global variable.
  bar = function(name)
    return function(param)
      assert(name == "title")
      assert(type(param) == "table")
      assert( == "here")

Note that there is no protection from the common mistake that DSL users do -- it is too easy to omit a second call in the chain:

foo:bar "where is the data?"

Alternatively, one might want to make second call optional as a feature:

git:commit [[Short comment]]

git:commit [[Short comment]]
Long description.

There is no way to do that without seriously complicating the naïve approach.

Once DSL author begins to try to evolve the naïve implementation so it would handle such corner cases, the implementation quickly deteriorates into a tangled mess of spaghetti code.

On generic non-FSM approach to DSL implementation

There is a less naïve generic way of handling DSLs, described in a Lua Workshop 2011 talk by one of le-dsl-fsm authors:

Several basic ideas from that approach are used in this library, so a brief outline is given here. Please refer to the talk slides for more details (you can also find some more examples of complex DSL constructs there).

This older approach does work as follows:

  1. All DSL constructs are converted to plain Lua tables by the core DSL code, using a set of semi-hardcoded rules:

    In DSL:

    foo:bar "title"
      data = "here";

    In memory (note non-hygienic id and name keys):

      id = "foo:bar";
      name = "title";
      data = "here";

    All non-trivial validation and actual data processing is then done with these tables.

    Nested DSL constructs naturally result in nested tables:

    In DSL:

    cfg:node "branch"
      cfg:string "remote";

    In memory:

      id = "cfg:node";
      name = "branch";
        id = "cfg:string";
        name = "remote";
  2. The conversion rules support a limited set of DSL construct forms, each new form requires non-trivial core DSL library code modification. (See slides for a list of supported forms.)

  3. Debug information (file and line for the first call in chain for the DSL construct) is stored alongside with construct's data to allow for nice error messages when validation code detects an error.

  4. Actual conversion is done by a proxy object which collects the data.

    A simplified illustrative example of such proxy object:

    local proxy = function(namespace)
      return setmetatable(
          { },
            __index = function(t, tag)
              return function(data)
       = namespace .. ":" .. tag
                return data
    foo = proxy("foo") -- A global variable

    Not shown in the example:

    • Source location capture in __index. Done via debug.getinfo().
    • Support for multiple DSL construct forms.
    • Dangling (or optional) data call handling. All proxies are registered in a global manager object, and then cleaned up after DSL is loaded.
  5. DSL code is executed in a special global environment, with __index set to return a proxy object for each unknown global read.

    A simplified illustrative example:

    local chunk = function() -- Usually returned by loadfile().
      foo:bar "title"
        data = "here";
    local proxy_manager = ...
    local env = setmetatable(
          print = print; -- For debugging
          __index = function(t, namespace)
            return proxy_manager:proxy(namespace)
    setfenv(chunk, env)
    chunk() -- Usually an xpcall() with advanced error handling.
    local dsl_objects = proxy_manager:result()

    Note that proxy objects are not cached -- each global lookup should result in a new proxy being created, so multiple foo:bar calls would create separate DSL table objects.

  6. Table hierarchies are then traversed depth-first, with user-supplied callbacks on downward and upward node traversal for each node id.

    A simplified illustrative example:

    local walkers = { down = { }, up = { } }
          __index = function(t, id)
            error("unknown DSL construct `" .. tosting(id) .. "'")
    walkers.down["foo:bar"] = function(self, node)
      io.stdout:write("<foo:bar name=", xml_escape(, ">\n",)
    walkers.down["foo:cdata"] = function(self, node)
      io.stdout:write("<![CDATA[", cdata_escape(node.text), "]]>\n")
    walkers.up["foo:bar"] = function(self, node)
      foo:bar "baz"
        foo:cdata [[quo]];
    --> Should print:
    --> <foo:bar name="baz">
    -->   <![CDATA[quo]]>
    --> </foo:bar>

This approach to building DSLs works, but it lacks flexibility. Each new DSL using it would be like all others. But, as we can see from examples, not every DSL needs to use namespaces, some tend to use unlimited chain calls, etc. etc. Hardcoded DSL construct forms are the main limitation.

Each new supported DSL form would bloat the core DSL handling code even more. The implementation would become truly spaghetti-like to support something like this DSL construct:

play:scene [[SCENE II]]

.location [[Another room in the castle.]]

:enter "HAMLET"

:remark "HAMLET"
Safely stowed.

:remark { "ROSENCRANTZ", "GILDERSTERN" } .cue [[within]]
Hamlet! Lord Hamlet!

:remark "HAMLET"
What noise? who calls on Hamlet?
O, here they come.

The Finite-State Machine approach

A generic DSL proxy object

Lets review our DSL construct:

foo:bar "title"
  data = "here";

It is a series of index and call operations:

local foo = _G["foo"]
local bar = foo["bar"]
local tmp = bar(foo, "title")
tmp({ data = "here"})

It is possible to build a proxy object that returns itself from __index and __call metamethods:

require 'lua-nucleo.import'
local tstr = import 'lua-nucleo/tstr.lua' { 'tstr' } -- Table serialization
local proxy = function(namespace)
  local self = { }
  local method_name = nil


  return setmetatable(
        __index = function(t, k)
          return self

        __call = function(t, ...)
          method_call = (select(1, ...) == self)
          need_comma = false

          for i = 1, select("#", ...) do
            if i == 1 and method_call then
                  need_comma and ", " or "",
                  tstr( (select(i, ...)) )
            need_comma = true
          return self

setmetatable(_G, { __index = function(t, k) return proxy(k) end })

This would allow us to load any sane DSL construct:

foo:bar "title"
  .beta "gamma"
  data = "here";
--> Should print:
--> foo["bar"](foo, "title")["alpha"]["beta"]("gamma")({data="here"})

Note that, obviously, for every single given DSL construct the operation (index or call) chain would always be linear. Call goes after index after call, and so on, one after another.


While our generic DSL proxy approach allows us to load any DSL construct, we (usually) do not want to.

If we have to be able to load any possible DSL construct, we'd have to store loaded data in a generic form that can represent any possible construct. And the validation would have to be done later anyway, so we would not actually win anything, just complicate things.

Much better to fail early on invalid constructs, and get rid of intermediate data representation altogether. DSL library user does not want to deal with DSL data tree, he needs to work with his problem-specific data.

To achieve early validation we can describe our proxy behavior as a finite-state machine where each operation (index or call) would be a state transition.

For example, for our foo:bar example with foo:cdata:

foo:bar "baz"
  foo:cdata [[quo]];

...FSM can be described as follows (in pseudocode):

TODO: Try to find a commonly understood text-based format for FSM descriptions, do not invent yet another one.

INIT | index "bar" -> | call -> | call ->

INIT | index "cdata" -> foo.cdata
  foo.cdata | call -> foo.cdata.text
FINAL <- foo.cdata.text

Several things to note here:

  • On this level of abstraction method calls (foo:bar()) can not be distinguished from field calls ( or even from plain calls (foo()). Such distinction is to be done somewhere on higher level (we'll get to that later).

  • There can be several different index operation transitions defined for each state (including initial but excluding terminal ones).

    However there can be at most one call operation transition for a given state (because it is not possible to separate one call from another without looking at arguments, and we choose not to do so at this low level).

    A state may have both index (zero to many) and call (at most one) transitions.

  • Terminal (FINAL) state is described explicitly, separately from actual terminal states (""{} and foo.cdata[[]]). It is easier to manage when one has many routes to the terminal state and one has to provide a handler to do something when the final state is reached. More on that later.

    A state may have at most one terminal transition.

  • Each state in the FSM must be reachable from the INIT state. The FINAL state must be reachable from every other state in the FSM.

State transition handlers

NOTE: At this point, we let user provide not state transition handlers, but less generic and less flexible state entrance handlers. TODO: Probably a redesign is in order.

Now we can describe our DSL as a set of FSM states with state transition handlers, and teach our generic DSL proxy object to adhere to transition rules and call the appropriate handlers when needed.

Here is a simplified illustrative example of the XML output example seen above:

Note: See below for full DSL FSM data format documentation.

local fsm =
  id = "foo";

  init =

  states =
    [false] = true; -- Use default terminal state handler

    [""] =
      type = "index", id = "";


      value = "bar";

    [""] =
      type = "call", id = "";


      handler = function(self, t, _, name)
        -- `_' is `self' of method call, we ignore it = name -- Validation not shown for readability

    [""] =
      type = "call", id = "";

      false; -- Terminal state

      handler = function(self, t, param)
        io.write("<foo name=", xml_escape(, ">\n")
        for i = 1, #param do
          if type(param[i]) == "table" then

    ["foo.cdata"] =
      type = "index", id = "foo.cdata";


      value = "cdata";

    ["foo.cdata.text"] =
      type = "call", id = "";

      handler = function(self, t, _, text)
        t.xml = "<![CDATA[" .. cdata_escape(text) .. "]]>\n"

Here we did render XML code directly. It is useful for simpler cases, but for more complex DSLs, a problem-specific intermediate data format of some kind is still likely to be needed. So, if we'd wanted to, we could instead produce a table hierarchy, compatible with up/down walker code shown above:

local fsm =
  id = "foo";

  init =

  states =
    [false] = true; -- Use default terminal state handler

    [""] =
      type = "index", id = "";


      value = "bar";

    [""] =
      type = "call", id = "";


      handler = function(self, t, _, name) = name

    [""] =
      type = "call", id = "";

      false; -- Terminal state

      handler = function(self, t, param) = "foo:bar" =
        -- Tell the framework that we'd like to replace `t' with `param'
        return param

    ["foo.cdata"] =
      type = "index", id = "foo.cdata";


      value = "cdata";

    ["foo.cdata.text"] =
      type = "call", id = "";

      handler = function(self, t, _, text) = "foo:cdata"
        t.text = text

Suddenly, even the most Byzantine DSL constructs start to look easier to implement. That being said, this is a very low level format of DSL description, and a lot of boilerplate code is to be expected. We'll tackle that later.

On DSL proxy finalization

Our new FSM-based approach to DSL implementation has an interesting side-effect: now we can know when we can finalize our proxy object and replace it with actual data.

For the FSM from the last example, whenever proxy object reaches a terminal state, it can be automatically finalized and replaced with its data (t argument in handlers).

A DSL FSM proxy object is always an empty table with a fancy metatable set to it. All proxy object data is stored in that metatable, not in the table. This way, if we remove the metatable and copy all t keys and values to that table, we'll effectively get the finalized data object right in the same place where proxy object was. (Of course, all references to t would no longer be valid, but it is a small price to pay.)

For the last foo:cdata example above:

foo:bar "baz"
  foo:cdata [[quo]];

...Before finalization, in pseudocode:

PROXY "bar"
  t =
    id = "foo:bar";
    name = "baz";

    PROXY "cdata"
      t =
        id = "foo:cdata";
        text = "quo";

...After finalization:

  id = "foo:bar";
  name = "baz";

    id = "foo:cdata";
    text = "quo";

To simplify handler code, current implementation automatically finalizes all proxies that are passed as arguments to the handler (including table keys and values). That is why in a previous FSM example we could access param[i].xml from foo:cdata directly in the foo:bar handler:

handler = function(self, t, param)
  io.write("<foo name=", xml_escape(, ">\n")
  for i = 1, #param do
    if type(param[i]) == "table" then
      io.write(assert(param[i].xml)) -- param[i] is a finalized proxy

Things become a little more complicated when the terminal state is not the only one possible transition from a given state.

A synthetic micro-example:

cat "this" " is " "fun"

This micro-DSL can be described as follows:

local fsm =
  id = "cat";

  init =

  states =
    [false] = true; -- Use default terminal state handler

    ["call"] =
      type = "call", id = "call";

      "call"; -- A self-reference
      false; -- Terminal state

      handler = function(self, t, text)

Here we can't immediately know if the proxy reached its final state, or if a next "call" state would follow.

This is why we still have to keep a DSL [proxy] manager object, which tracks all proxies, and is responsible for their late finalization.

Luckily, since all proxies are tables, late finalization does not prevent them from being finalized in-place, the same as with auto-finalization, described above.

TODO: Describe why one would want to use self:store_finalized_data()

Meta: on-the-fly FSM modifications

TODO: document!


Common DSL environment

TODO: document!

Low-level bootstrap

TODO: document!

Higher-level bootstraps

TODO: document!

Some additional remarks on the implementation

On performance

While le-dsl-fsm is perfectly suited to work in run-time, it is currently primarily used for off-line code generation, where speed is usually not an issue.

The code should be fast enough to e.g. load a config file in run-time at a start of a program, or, say, build a validator for HTTP GET request parameters. But it is not intended to, say, load DSL code per each HTTP request.

That being said, any pull-requests that optimize and improve performance of le-dsl-fsm would be very welcome.

No matter of how you'd like to use the library, if you ever find that le-dsl-fsm is too slow for you, please do file a bug report, detailing your use case.

On Lua language version

The le-dsl-fsm library supports Lua 5.1 (and LuaJIT 2.0+).

Support for Lua 5.2+ is not planned, but can be added if someone will provide a non-intrusive and easy to support pull-request or will sponsor a port.


TODO: document!

On Lua-Núcleo dependency

TODO: document: optional import, how to disable strict

On pk-test dependency

TODO: document!


DSL FSM format

TODO: document!

Helper object API

TODO: document!

DSL manager

TODO: document!

Common DSL environment

TODO: document!

Bootstrap meta-DSL

TODO: document!


See tests.

TODO: Provide proper examples that are easier to read than tests.

Bug reports and support

For bug reports and feature requests, please use GitHub issue system:

For public support, please ask a question at, and send a link to it to a project maintainer, Alexander Gladysh at [email protected]. You can also use Lua mailing list, but please CC the maintainer and write lua-dsl-fsm somewhere in the subject.

Private consulting is available on commercial basis. Should you need it, please contact LogicEditor at [email protected].


  • Create GH issues for all TODO items in text and code.
  • Test that all code examples in this document actually work.