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Laravel Database Snapshot Admin UI

Laravel Database Snapshot Admin UI is one type of admin panel in which you can take a snapshot of the database, show previously taken database snapshot list, download snapshot SQL file and delete the snapshot file.

  • Create a Laravel Project

      Laravel new db-snapshot-admin-UI 
  • Install Database Snapshot Package Via Composer

      composer require spatie/laravel-db-snapshots
  • Service Provider Configuration

    If Laravel 5.4 or below version you must add below code otherwise it will be auto-registered. Open the file config/app.php and then add following service provider

     'providers' => [
     	// ...
  • Filesystem Configuration

    In config/filesystems.php add following code for creating snapshot disk on which all snapshots will be saved. You can change the driver and root values.

     // ...
     'disks' => [
     	// ...
     	'snapshots' => [
     		'driver' => 'local',
     		'root' => storage_path('snapshots'),
     // ... 
  • Publish The Configuration File

    This is optional, you may publish the configuration file using this command to customize your setting. php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Spatie\DbSnapshots\DbSnapshotsServiceProvider" --tag="config"

  • Create an admin login using laravel auth

      php artisan make:auth
  • Database configuration

    In Env file, specify the value of host, database name, user name, password.

  • Create Migrations

  • Create Database Snapshot

     Artisan::call('snapshot:create '.$snapshot_name);
  • Download Snapshot file

    return response()->download(storage_path("snapshots/".$snapshot_name.'.sql'));

  • Delete Snapshot file

    Artisan::call('snapshot:delete '.$snapshot_name);

  • Some useful console commands for database snapshot

     php artisan snapshot:create file-name   			// create snapshot with given name
     php artisan snapshot:create							// current date time used for file name to create snapshot
     php artisan snapshot:create file-name --compress 	// create compressed snapshots 
     php artisan snapshot:load file-name					// Load Snapshot
     php artisan snapshot:load file-name --connection=connectionName  
     													//Specify connection name when use multiple db connection
     php artisan snapshot:list							// List of all snapshots
     php artisan snapshot:delete file-name 				// Delete snapshot 
  • Some useful events

     Spatie\DbSnapshots\Events\CreatingSnapshot  		// Event will be fired before a snapshot is created
     Spatie\DbSnapshots\Events\CreatedSnapshot  			// Event will be fired after a snapshot has been created
     Spatie\DbSnapshots\Events\LoadingSnapshot  			// Event will be fired before a snapshot is loaded
     Spatie\DbSnapshots\Events\LoadedSnapshot  			// Event will be fired after a snapshot has been loaded
     Spatie\DbSnapshots\Events\DeletingSnapshot  		// Event will be fired before a snapshot is deleted
     Spatie\DbSnapshots\Events\DeletedSnapshot  			// Event will be fired after a snapshot has been deleted

Click here to view Laravel Database Snapshot Package

For full document please read our blog here.


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