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Completed proof of concurrent bloom filter
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alejandroag committed Feb 20, 2025
1 parent b344257 commit 5a96a05
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Showing 2 changed files with 131 additions and 45 deletions.
163 changes: 118 additions & 45 deletions theories/coneris/examples/bloom_filter/concurrent_bloom_filter_alt.v
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Expand Up @@ -11,26 +11,26 @@ Section conc_bloom_filter.

Variables filter_size max_key num_hash num_threads : nat.
Context `{!conerisGS Σ, !spawnG Σ, c:con_hash4 Σ filter_size, !inG Σ (excl_authR boolO), !inG Σ (prodR fracR val0) }.
Variables filter_size max_key num_hash : nat.
Context `{!conerisGS Σ, !spawnG Σ, c:con_hash4 Σ filter_size max_key, !inG Σ (excl_authR boolO), !inG Σ (prodR fracR val0) }.

Definition init_bloom_filter : expr :=
Definition init_bloom_filter : val :=
λ: "_" ,
let: "hfuns" := list_seq_fun #0 #num_hash (λ: "_", init_hash4 #()) in
let: "arr" := array_init #(S filter_size) (λ: "x", #false)%E in
let: "l" := ref ("hfuns", "arr") in

Definition insert_bloom_filter : expr :=
Definition insert_bloom_filter : val :=
λ: "l" "v" ,
let, ("hfuns", "arr") := !"l" in
list_iter (λ: "h",
let: "i" := "h" "v" in
"arr" +ₗ "i" <- #true) "hfuns".

Definition lookup_bloom_filter : expr :=
Definition lookup_bloom_filter : val :=
λ: "l" "v" ,
let, ("hfuns", "arr") := !"l" in
let: "res" := ref #true in
Expand All @@ -39,33 +39,13 @@ Section conc_bloom_filter.
if: !("arr" +ₗ "i") then #() else "res" <- #false) "hfuns" ;;

The invariant of the case study keeps track of three sets, s1, s2, and s3, whose union s is always constant.
- s1 represents the set of elements that are in the tape of some hash
- s2 represents the set of indices that have been read from the hash, but are still waiting to be written to
the array
- s3 represents the set of indices of the array that have been set to 1
After the initialization, s1 will contain all elements in the hash sets, while s2 and s3 are empty. The deterministic
part of the program will just advance the physical state of the bloom filter so that at the end s1 and s2 are empty.
Additionally, the invariant ensures that every thread reading from a hash will find a non-empty tape (and therefore there
is no more sampling happening).
Definition bloom_filter_inv (s : gset nat) (a : loc) (arr lbls : list val) (snames : list hash_set_gname) (tnames : list hash_tape_gname): iProp Σ :=
∃ (s1 s2 s3 : gset nat),
⌜ s1 ∪ s2 ∪ s3 = s ⌝ ∗
(* Every element in s1 is in the tape of some hash *)
([∗ list] x ∈ (zip lbls (zip snames tnames)),
∃ (sx : list nat), hash_tape1 (fst x) sx (fst (snd x)) (snd (snd x)) ∗ ⌜ subseteq (list_to_set sx) s1 ⌝) ∗
(* Every element in s2 is waiting to be written *)
(* Every element in s3 is an index set to 1 in the array *)
(a ↦∗ arr) ∗
⌜ forall i, arr !! i = Some #true -> i ∈ s3 ⌝ ∗
⌜ forall i, i ∈ s3 -> (i < S filter_size)%nat ⌝ ∗
([∗ set] x ∈ s3, ∃ γ, (hash_set_frag1 x γ)).
Definition main_bloom_filter (ksv ktest : val) : expr :=
let: "bfl" := init_bloom_filter #() in
let: "handles" := ref list_nil in
list_iter (λ: "k", let: "hndl" := spawn (λ:"_", insert_bloom_filter "bfl" "k") in
"handles" <- (list_cons "hndl" !"handles")) ksv ;;
list_iter (λ: "hndl", spawn.join "hndl") !"handles" ;;
lookup_bloom_filter "bfl" ktest.

Definition con_hash_inv_list N hfs hnames ks (s : gset nat) :=
Expand All @@ -83,7 +63,14 @@ Section conc_bloom_filter.
([∗ list] k ∈ ks, ∃ v, ⌜ v ∈ s ⌝ ∗ hash_frag4 k v γ.1) ∗
con_hash_inv_list N fs2 hnames2 ks s
iIntros "Hinv_list".
rewrite /con_hash_inv_list.
destruct hnames as [| γ hnames2]; auto.
iDestruct "Hinv_list" as "((%lk & %hm & ?) & ?)".
iExists lk, hm.
by iFrame.

Definition bloom_filter_inv_aux N bfl hfuns a
(hnames : list (hash_view_gname * hash_lock_gname)) ks (s : gset nat) : iPropI Σ :=
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -254,26 +241,26 @@ Section conc_bloom_filter.

Lemma bloom_filter_init_spec N (ks : list nat) :
(length ks = num_threads) ->
NoDup ks ->
([∗ list] k ∈ ks, ⌜ (k ≤ max_key)%nat ⌝) -∗
{{{ ↯ (fp_error filter_size num_hash (num_hash * num_threads) 0) }}}
{{{ ↯ (fp_error filter_size num_hash (num_hash * length ks) 0) }}}
init_bloom_filter #()
{{{ (bfl:loc), RET #bfl ;
∃ hfuns a hnames s,
↯ (fp_error filter_size num_hash 0 (size s)) ∗
hash_auth_list hnames ks ∗
bloom_filter_inv N bfl hfuns a hnames ks s
iIntros (Hthreads Hndup) "#Hks".
iIntros (Hndup) "#Hks".
iIntros (Φ).
iIntros "Herr HΦ".
rewrite /init_bloom_filter.
set (Ψ := (λ l, ⌜ num_hash < length l ⌝ ∨
(∃ (s : gset nat),
↯(fp_error filter_size num_hash ((num_hash - length l) * num_threads) (size s)) ∗
↯(fp_error filter_size num_hash ((num_hash - length l) * length ks) (size s)) ∗
⌜ ∀ x : nat, x ∈ s → x < S filter_size ⌝ ∗
([∗ list] f ∈ l,
(∃ γ,
Expand All @@ -300,7 +287,6 @@ Section conc_bloom_filter.
iDestruct "HΨ" as "[%|HΨ]"; [iModIntro; iLeft; iPureIntro; lia |].
iDestruct "HΨ" as "(%s & Herr & %Hbound & Hl)".
rewrite -Hthreads.
replace ((num_hash - length l) * length ks) with ((num_hash - S (length l)) * length ks + length ks);
last first.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -369,6 +355,7 @@ Section conc_bloom_filter.
iPoseProof (array.big_sepL_exists with "Hfs") as "(%hnames & Hfs)"; eauto.
iApply "HΦ".
rewrite Hlen Nat.sub_diag Nat.mul_0_l.
iExists hfuns, a, hnames, s.
rewrite /hash_auth_list/=.
iAssert ( ([∗ list] γ ∈ hnames, (∃ m : gmap nat nat, hash_auth4 m γ.1 ∗ (⌜dom m = list_to_set ks⌝))) ∗
Expand All @@ -391,7 +378,7 @@ Section conc_bloom_filter.
iSplit; auto.
iMod (inv_alloc _ _ (bloom_filter_inv_aux N l hfuns a hnames ks s) with "[Herr Ha Hl Hfs]") as "#Hinv";
iMod (inv_alloc _ _ (bloom_filter_inv_aux N l hfuns a hnames ks s) with "[Ha Hl Hfs]") as "#Hinv";
[| iApply "Hinv"].
rewrite /bloom_filter_inv_aux.
Expand All @@ -418,7 +405,7 @@ Section conc_bloom_filter.
{{{ bloom_filter_inv N bfl hfuns a hnames ks s }}}
insert_bloom_filter #bfl #k
{{{ RET #(); True }}}.
Proof using c conerisGS0 conerisGS1 excl_authR filter_size inG0 inG1 max_key max_key0 num_hash num_threads spawnG0 val0 Σ.
iIntros (Hk Hleq Φ) "!# #Hinv HΦ".
rewrite /insert_bloom_filter.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -527,7 +514,6 @@ Section conc_bloom_filter.
rewrite /hash_auth_list.
iPoseProof (big_sepL_cons with "Hauths") as "((%m&Hmauth&Hmdom)&Hauths)"; auto.
wp_apply (wp_hash_lookup_safe with "[Hmauth]"); auto.
{ admit. }
iIntros (v) "(%&?)".
wp_bind (!_)%E.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -579,9 +565,11 @@ Section conc_bloom_filter.
0%NNR with "[$Herr $Hmauth]"); auto.
simpl. rewrite Rmult_0_l Rplus_0_r.
rewrite -(Rmult_comm (filter_size + 1))
Rmult_div_r; [lra |].
iIntros (v) "(%Hv & [(%Hin & Herr) | (%Hout & Herr)] & Hauth)".
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -653,9 +641,94 @@ Section conc_bloom_filter.
by iApply "HΦ".
* simpl.
iPoseProof (ec_contradict with "Herr") as "?"; auto; lra.

Lemma main_bloom_filter_spec (N : namespace) (ks : list nat) (ksv : val) (ktest : nat) :
NoDup ks ->
is_list ks ksv ->
ktest ∉ ks ->
(ktest ≤ max_key)%nat ->
{{{ ([∗ list] k ∈ ks, ⌜ (k ≤ max_key)%nat ⌝) ∗
↯ (fp_error filter_size num_hash (num_hash * length ks) 0)
main_bloom_filter ksv #ktest
v, RET v; ⌜ v = #false ⌝
iIntros (Hndup Hksv Hktest Htestvalid Φ) "(#Hks & Herr) HΦ".
rewrite /main_bloom_filter.
wp_apply (bloom_filter_init_spec N ks with "[//] Herr"); auto.
iIntros (bfl) "(%hfuns & %a & %hnames & %s & Herr & Hauths & #Hinv)".
wp_alloc handles as "Hhandles".
wp_bind (list_iter _ _).
wp_apply (wp_list_iter_invariant_HO
(λ l1 l2,
([∗ list] v ∈ l2, ∃ n:nat, ⌜ v = #n ⌝ ∗ ⌜ n ∈ ks ⌝) ∗
( ∃ lh vlh, ⌜ is_list_HO lh vlh ⌝ ∗
handles ↦ vlh ∗
[∗ list] hndl ∈ lh, ∃ (l : loc), ⌜ hndl = #l ⌝ ∗ join_handle N l (λ _, True)))%I
with "[][Hhandles][Herr Hauths HΦ]").
- iIntros (lpre w lsuf Ψ) "!# (Hnats & %lh & %vlh & %Hlh & Hhandles & Hlist) HΨ".
iDestruct "Hnats" as "((%n & -> & %Hn) & Hnats)".
wp_apply (spawn_spec N (λ _, True)%I).
+ wp_pures.
wp_apply (bloom_filter_insert_thread_spec _ _ _ _ _ _ ks); auto.
+ iIntros (l) "Hl".
wp_apply (wp_list_cons_HO); auto.
iIntros (v) "Hcons".
iApply "HΨ".

- iFrame.
apply is_list_to_HO in Hksv.
+ iPureIntro.
intros i v Hi.
destruct (ks !! i) eqn:Hlookup.
* exists n; split.
** assert (Some v = Some #n) as Haux ; [|inversion Haux; auto].
rewrite -Hi list_lookup_fmap Hlookup /= //.
** eapply elem_of_list_lookup_2; eauto.
* rewrite list_lookup_fmap Hlookup /= in Hi.
inversion Hi.
+ iExists []; auto.
- iIntros "!> (_ & (%lh & %vlh & %Hlh & Hhandles & Hlist))".
wp_apply (wp_list_iter_invariant_HO
(λ l1 l2, [∗ list] H↦hndl ∈ l2, ∃ l : loc, ⌜hndl = #l⌝ ∗ join_handle N l (λ _ : val, True))%I
with "[][Hlist]").
+ iIntros (lpre w lpost Ψ) "!# ((%l & -> & ?) & ?) HΨ".
wp_apply (join_spec with "[$]").
iIntros (?) "_".
iApply "HΨ".
+ iFrame.

+ iIntros "_".
wp_apply (bloom_filter_lookup_spec N _ _ _ _ _ ks s with "[][Herr Hauths]"); auto.

End conc_bloom_filter.
13 changes: 13 additions & 0 deletions theories/coneris/lib/list.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1465,6 +1465,18 @@ Section list_specs_HO.

Lemma is_list_to_HO {A} `{Inject A val} (l : list A) (v : val) :
is_list l v -> is_list_HO ( (λ a, inject a) l) v.
revert v.
induction l.
- auto.
- intros v Hv.
destruct Hv as [v' [Hv'1 Hv'2]].
exists v'.
split; auto.

Lemma wp_list_cons_HO (w : val) l lv E :
{{{ ⌜is_list_HO l lv⌝ }}}
list_cons w lv @ E
Expand All @@ -1478,6 +1490,7 @@ Section list_specs_HO.

Lemma wp_list_seq_fun_HO E (n m : nat) (fv : val) Q :
{{{ (∀ (i: nat),
{{{ True }}} fv #i @ E
Expand Down

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