Generate a chess position from your criterias and play it against your device.
- Windows release is built under windows 11, and so may not be retro-compatible with older Windows versions,
- Linux release is built under Ubuntu 20.04, and so may not be retro-compatible with linux older than 2020.
You can generate a position from an example script. In the list, there also icons in order to know if we can hope for a win or for a draw.
But you can clone an example and adapt it for your own needs. And you can also see the code of an example.
You can also define your custom scripts : each section is written in a subset of the Lua language. There's also a manual in the script editor page.
You can also see the predefined variables of each script section, as well as their types. And you can insert them in your code by selecting them.
Once the position is generated, you can play it against the computer, and abort it at any time.
Whenever game is finished, you can see the history of moves.
In order to update translations, run
dart run slang
Some svg icons have been downloaded from SvgRepo
- computer.svg :
- handshake.svg :
- trophy.svg :
- user.svg :