This repository contains the code, data, and designed pipelines for the PetFinder datawarehhouse. The project aims to normalizing the raw data into star-schema relational database.
- SQLServerManagement Studio
- Visual Studio Code 2019: Intergration Services Tools
The project consists of the following components:
- ETL Pipelines
- Raw Data
- SQL Files
- Final Report
- Create empty datawarehouse using SQL file
- Normalizing data and formulate the model through ERD
- Constructing pipelines for dimensional tables and fact table using SSIS
- Parallel Dimensional ETLs inside Containers
- Incremental CDC
- Execute SQL Bussiness Queries to test the database
Contributions to this project are welcome. Feel free to open issues or submit pull requests for any enhancements or bug fixes.
For any inquiries or questions regarding the project, please contact me at [email protected]