This package is a bundle template to help you to:
- create a new bundle
- with a dummy controller (feel free to delete it)
- with an embedded application to test your bundle
- with phpunit unit test on a dummy controller (feel free to delete this test)
- with phpunit function test on this dummy controller (feel free to delete this test)
- with phpcsfixer deployed as an external tool
A very simple docker is embedded to:
- provide you a PHP8.1 environment
- provide you composer, symfony and phpcsfixer as external tools
- launch local symfony server to help you to dev
First, edit the .env file and update the two parameters.
Then simply build your container:
docker-compose up --build
With your browser, you can access the provided dummy controller by accessing the symfony local server
If you dislike docker, you can install all this stuff with the following commands, but you need to install PHP, composer and Symfony on your system.
## Install the needed libraries
composer install
## Install PHP-CS-FIXER
composer require --working-dir=tools/php-cs-fixer friendsofphp/php-cs-fixer
## Start the localserver. You can access it via
symfony server:start --dir /var/www/tests/App/public
Your new bundle is created and ready to be test (replace my_bundle-php with the name of your php container):
docker exec my_bundle-php ./vendor/bin/phpunit
If you don't use docker:
This package comes with a configured phpcsfixer. The configuration is set to respect the @Symfony rules and add a header on your files :)
First, edit the tools/headers.txt
Optionally, edit the tools/php-cs-fixer/.php-cs-fixer.php
PHP-CS-FIXER is now set :)
docker exec my_bundle-php tools/php-cs-fixer/vendor/bin/php-cs-fixer fix src --config=tools/php-cs-fixer/.php-cs-fixer.php
docker exec my_bundle-php tools/php-cs-fixer/vendor/bin/php-cs-fixer fix tests --config=tools/php-cs-fixer/.php-cs-fixer.php
If you don't use docker:
tools/php-cs-fixer/vendor/bin/php-cs-fixer fix src --config=tools/php-cs-fixer/.php-cs-fixer.php
tools/php-cs-fixer/vendor/bin/php-cs-fixer fix tests --config=tools/php-cs-fixer/.php-cs-fixer.php