Manual Notes
- Prediction Curves for Trio: The app now displays all 4 prediction curves.
- The "eventually" number and the min/max prediction values are not currently shown for Trio (as they are for Loop)
- This will be addressed in a future release
- Background Update Alerts: You will now receive an alert if the app has stopped updating in the background, ensuring you stay informed at all times.
- Bolus Display Differentiation: Automated and SMB boluses are now displayed as blue triangles, while manual boluses remain as blue dots, making it easier to differentiate between them.
- Graph Height Reset: The height of the graph now resets with each data refresh. Previously, a high prediction or BG value could cause the graph scale to remain stuck until the app was restarted.
- Improved Dexcom Share Code: The Dexcom share code has been improved and is now less prone to crashes.
What's Changed
- Trio predictions by @bjorkert in #304
- Alert if the app is not active in the background by @bjorkert in #306
- Differentiate the display of Automated and Manual boluses by @bjorkert in #305
- Reset topbg for each cycle by @bjorkert in #307
- Hardened dexcom share and removed dead code by @bjorkert in #308
Full Changelog: v2.2.2...v2.2.3