This calculator is not just a calculation tool. It offers users an intuitive interface for performing mathematical operations, and also contains several hidden functions and mini-games that can be unlocked using secret codes.
- Basic arithmetic operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division)
- Advanced mathematical functions (sine, cosine, tangent, logarithm)
- Working with parentheses for complex expressions
- Changing the sign of the number
- Calculating percentages
- Calculation history with the possibility of cleaning
- Mini-game "Guess the number" (activation code: 1234)
- Mini-game "Mathematical question" (activation code: 4321)
- Easter egg with animated greeting (activation code: 0000)
- Use the buttons on the screen or the keyboard to enter numbers and operations.
- Press "=" or Enter key to calculate the result.
- Use the "AC" button to clear the input.
- Press the "+/-" button to change the sign of the number.
- Use the "%" button to calculate the percentages.
- Guess the Number mini-game: Enter the sequence 1234 on the keyboard.
- Mini-game "Math Question": Enter the sequence 4321 on the keyboard.
- Easter Egg: Enter the sequence 0000 on the keyboard.
Press the 'H' key on your keyboard to open or close the calculation history window.
- CSS3 (using Tailwind CSS)
- JavaScript (ES6+)
We welcome your contribution to the development of the project! If you have any ideas to improve the calculator or add new features, please create an issue or send a pull request.
This project is distributed under the MIT license. For details, see the LICENSE file.