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vault-tasks is a TUI Markdown task manager.

It will parse any Markdown file or vault and display the tasks it contains.



I made this tool because I wanted to integrate my task system directly inside my Second Brain.

Markdown tasks are very easy to integrate with knowledge and projects.

I also spend most of my writing time in the terminal (Helix) and do not rely on heavy external software.


  • Task Parser (see Usage)
    • Subtasks
    • Fixed and relative dates
    • special today tag and regular tags
    • descriptions
    • priority
  • Navigate vault
  • Search through tasks (sort and filter)
  • Edit tasks or open in default editor
  • Time Management tab (Pomodoro & Flowtime)

Planned Features

  • new action in Explorer Tab to create a new child on selected entry
  • A Timeline tab with a calendar and a chronological view. (I'd also like to be able to import calendar files)



cargo install vault-tasks


It will be added to nixpkgs when I have time to make a nix module. For now, add the repo to your inputs:

vault-tasks = {
  url = "github:louis-thevenet/vault-tasks";
  inputs.nixpkgs.follows = "nixpkgs";

And use the package in your configuration: inputs.vault-tasks.packages.${pkgs.system}.default

Build From Source

git clone
cd vault-tasks
cargo build --release


See vault-tasks --help for basic usage.

Writing tasks

<!-- An example task in your markdown file -->

- [ ] An example task #tag tomorrow p1
      A description
      of this task
  - [x] A subtask today @today
  - [ ] Another subtask 10/23 @today
Token Meaning
- [ ] (- [X]) declares a task and sets its state
p1 (p10, ...) sets the priority
#tag is a tag, a task can have zero or more tags
@today (@tod, @t) is a special tag that will mark the task as part of today's tasks
23/10 (2024/23/10) sets the due date with a literal date
today (tdy) sets the due date to today
tomorrow (tmr) sets the due date to tomorrow
a day of the week (monday or mon, etc) sets the due date to the next occurence of that day
3d (3m, 3w, 3y, ...) means "in 3 days" and will set the due date accordingly
  • @today allows you mark a task for today while keeping a due date. It will show up with a ☀️ in vault-tasks.

  • Relative dates are always replaced by literal dates once vault-tasks is run. Thanks to this, vault-tasks does not store any data except its config file.

  • Other tokens will be part of the title of that task

  • Descriptions and subtasks are declared using indents (see config file)

This is what you will see in the preview of this in vault-tasks:

Default Key Map

Check the key map within the app with ?


Key Alternate Key Action
shift-h shift-← Previous tab
shift-l shift-→ Next tab
ctrl-k ctrl-↓ Scroll up
ctrl-j ctrl-↑ Scroll down
page_down Scroll one page down
page_up Scroll one page up
q ctrl-c Quit the application
? Open keybindings menu for the current tab

Explorer Tab

Key Alternate Key Action
k , shift-tab Previous entry
j , tab Next entry
h , back_space Leave current entry
l ,enter Enter current entry
Key Action
s Focus search bar (enter or esc to unfocus)
o Open selection in default editor
e Quickly edit selection
t Change selected task state
r Reload vault

Filter Tab

Key Action
enter Focus/Unfocus search bar
Shift-s Change sorting mode

Time Management Tab

Key Alternate Key Action
k Previous setting
j Next setting
Key Action
space Next segment (skip current)
p Pause timer
e Edit selected setting
shift-tab Previous time management technique
tab Next time management technique


You can start already focused on a tab by using one of the CLI commands:

vault-tasks explorer # is the default
# Or
vault-tasks filter
vault-tasks time

You can also output the content of a vault in standard output using

vault-tasks stdout

Example output:

vault-tasks -v ./ stdout

				Writing tasks
					❌ An example task
					📅 2024-11-17 (tomorrow)❗1
					A description
					of this task

						✅ A subtask
						☀️ 📅 2024-11-16 (today)

						❌ Another subtask
						☀️ 📅 2024-10-23 (3 weeks ago)


The config.toml contains the default configuration which can be generated using vault-tasks generate-config.

In $HOME/.config/vault-tasks/config.toml, you can override the default settings, keybindings and colorscheme.

In particular, you can set a default vault path.


Feel free to submit issues or pull requests. Contributions are welcome!