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DeskPI Super6c

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Step 1: Assemble the Board

Assembly is described on the DeskPi Super6c's github page.

Step 2: Install the OS

There are several ways we can install the OS to the Compute Modules (CM4) on the DeskPi Super6c, depending on whether the CM4 has eMMC storage or not. For the most part, we will be using the Raspberry Pi Imager tool to flash the OS to the CM4's.

Method 1: eMMC

The DeskPi functions as an IO Board and has micro-usb connectors next to each Compute Module. Note that CM4#1's usb connector is on the back of the board where the IO ports are located.

  1. Install or compile rpiboot for your host OS. A Windows installer is available here
  2. Download and install the Raspberry PI Imager for your host OS.
  3. Bridge the nRPBOOT jumper next to the CM you want to flash.
  4. Plug in the Micro USB cable to the USB Connector of the CM you want to flash.
  5. Apply power to the board
  6. Start rpiboot
  7. After rpiboot completes you should have access to a new mass storage device. Do not format if prompted.
  8. Start the Raspberry Pi Imager tool.
  9. Select your preferred OS (for k3s you need a 64-bit OS). Typically, the 64-bit lite version should be sufficient, unless you want full GUI support - which would only make sense for the CM in the first slot.
  10. Select the newly discovered raspberry mass storage device to write to.
  11. NOTE: In Advanced options, be sure to
    • set the hostname of your Pi to something unique and memorable (I chose deskpi followed by a number, e.g. deskpi1)
    • enable passwordless SSH
    • set a common username for all your Pi's (I chose deskpi), as well as an optional password.
    • configure Wireless LAN, if it is supported by your CM (optional)
  12. Repeat this for all CMs - the headless CM's do not need a desktop environment, so the 64-bit lite version of Raspberry Pi OS should be sufficient. Remember to change the hostname for every CM.


  1. You may need to enable USB2.0 support for the CM in the first slot by adding dtoverlay=dwc2,dr_mode=host to the config.txt file in the root of the boot image.

  2. If you did not enable SSH via the Imager, to enable it you can create a blank file called ssh in the root of the boot image.

  3. At least on my monitor, I did not get a video signal, so for the CM in the first slot I had to replace dtoverlay=vc4-kms-v3dwith dtoverlay=vc4-fkms-v3d (note the additional "f") in the config.txt file. I figured this out from this comment on the raspberry forums.

  4. Even though it's not explicitly stated, and the documentation on the Super6c github misleadingly states in the TroubleShooting Section that

    "If your CM4 module has eMMC on board, the SSD drive and TF card can be external mass storage."

    You cannot mount an SD Card to a CM with eMMC.


Method 2: Non-eMMC (CM4 Lite)

This method would be used for the CM4 Lite versions, which do not have eMMC storage. But is relatively simple and can be done with the Raspberry Pi Imager tool.

  1. Download, install and start the Raspberry PI Imager for your host OS.
  2. Select your preferred OS (for k3s you need a 64-bit OS). Typically, the 64-bit lite version should be sufficient, unless you want full GUI support.
  3. Select the SD Card to write to.
  4. NOTE: In Advanced options, be sure to
    • set the hostname of your Pi to something unique and memorable (I chose deskpi followed by a number, e.g. deskpi1)
    • enable passwordless SSH
    • set a common username for all your Pi's (I chose deskpi), as well as an optional password.
    • configure Wireless LAN, if it is supported by your CM (optional)
  5. Once completed, insert the SD Card into the CM's card slot.
  6. Repeat this for all CMs - the headless CM's do not need a desktop environment, so the 64-bit lite version of Raspberry Pi OS should be sufficient. Remember to change the hostname for every CM.

See the Notes section above for additional information.

3. Installing the OS to the NVMe SSD

You should ensure that you have enough disk space to accommodate the OS as well as the Kubernetes installation on the CM4. If you only have, say, 8GB of free space on the eMMC (or SD Card) of the CM4, the Kubernetes node may issue disk pressure warnings and may evict pods deployed on that node.

If your CM4s have inadequate disk storage on the eMMC (or SD Card) you may consider installing the OS to an NVMe SSD with sufficient storage. To do this we have to install the OS to the NVMe drive and update the boot order according to the NVMe boot documentation.

Installing the OS to the NVMe SSD

There are a number of ways to accomplish this, unfortunately, they are a bit more complicated than just using the Raspberry Pi Imager tool to burn the OS to the eMMC or SD Card of the CM4.

  1. If you have a USB NVMe adapter (which you can buy on Amazon for around 20 euros), you can mount the SSD as a USB device and use the RPi Imager tool to burn the OS image to the SSD.
  2. If you do not have an adapter, you could install Raspberry Pi Desktop to the CM4 (as described above), logon to the CM4 and use the SD Card Copier app (found in the GUI) to clone the eMMC (or SD Card) of the CM4 to the SSD.
  3. If you do not have access to a GUI desktop (as would be the case for all the RPi's apart from the one located in CM4#1 on the board), you could try one of the following methods to copy the image to the SSD:
    • Clone the image with rpi-clone or
    • Use the RPi Imager CLI
      rpi-imager --cli <image file to write> <destination drive device> or
    • Use SDM, a Raspberry Pi SSD/SD Card Image Manager utility.

Updating the Boot Order

To update the boot order, we have to use Raspberry Pi's usbboot/rpiboot utility.

We will have to make/compile the utility, so ensure that you have the correct build packages installed:

sudo apt install git libusb-1.0-0-dev pkg-config build-essential

Clone the rpiboot repository:

git clone --depth=1

Build the usbboot tool from source:

cd usbboot

Open the recovery/boot.conf file and update the BOOT_ORDER and run ./ to update the pieeprom.bin file with the new settings

cd recovery
sed -i -e '/^BOOT_ORDER=/ s/=.*$/=0xf25416/' boot.conf

The boot type for NVMe is 6, so that should be your first type, which means it should be the number at the end of the string.

We can now run the rpiboot utility and use it to flash the new bootloader configuration and firmware to the CM4 by connecting it in USB boot mode (as described above) and running:

cd ..
sudo ./rpiboot -d recovery


Step 3: Prepare the cluster

Before starting this section, you should ensure that you have successfully installed the OS on all the CM4's, that they are connected to the network and you can ssh onto all of them.

By default, Ansible uses native OpenSSH and by extension the options in ~/.ssh/config to connect to the hosts in the inventory.

Additionally, consider assigning static IPs to your CM4's in your DHCP server directly. This may uncomplicate things when you need to access the CM4's by hostname and your DNS has not been set up correctly (yet).

Installation requirements

  • python (>= v3.6)
  • PyYAML (>= v3.11)
  • Ansible (>= v2.13) For detailed instructions on installing Ansible see the Installation Guide.

As well as the required Ansible Collections listed in the requirements file. You can install these with the following command:

ansible-galaxy install -r requirements.yml

Check the configuration of the cluster

  1. Update the inventory/hosts.yml file
    • with the hostnames of the Pi's in your cluster
    • set the IP address octets (the last group of numbers in the IP address) to a range that is unoccupied in your network
  2. In the inventory/group_vars/cluster.yml
    • set ansible_user to the username you defined for your Pi's during Step 2
    • set ip_subnet_prefix to the IP subnet prefix of your network
    • set gateway to the IP address of the gateway in your network

For example, if ip_subnet_prefix in the config.yml is defined as follows:

ip_subnet_prefix: 192.168.1   

and the hosts.ini has the following content:

              ip_octet: 200
              ip_octet: 201
              ip_octet: 202
              ip_octet: 203
              ip_octet: 204
              ip_octet: 205

Then the server / master node has the hostname deskpi1 and the ip address: and the last node in the cluster has the hostname deskpi6 and ip address

Consider assigning the Static IPs in your DHCP server directly


Prepare the cluster

It might be prudent to manually update and upgrade all software packages on each DeskPi after installation of the OS, at least once, before running the playbooks:

sudo apt update
sudo apt upgrade

to ensure that the DeskPi can communicate with the package repositories, and to respond to interactive input that is occasionally required (for example, for kernel updates or processor microcode upgrades).

After which, from the project root directory, run the preparation playbook:

ansible-playbook playbooks/k3s-pre-install.yml

This playbook will, on every host in the cluster:

On the Control Plane / Master Node this playbook will also:

The reboot task may time out if the ip addresses of the CM4's were changed during the playbook run. Consequently, you may have to flush your dns cache before you will be able to connect to them again.

Install k3s


The cluster configuration is largely contained within config.yml and consists of the following items:

  • A kubelet configuration that enables Graceful Node Shutdown
  • Extra arguments for the k3s server installation (i.e. Control Plane / Master Node):
    • --write-kubeconfig-mode '0644' gives read permissions to Kube Config file (located at /etc/rancher/k3s/k3s.yaml)
    • --disable servicelb disables the default service load balancer installed by k3s (i.e. Klipper Load Balancer), instead we'll install MetalLB in a later step.
    • --disable traefik disables the default ingress controller installed by k3s (i.e. Traefik), instead we'll install Traefik ourselves in a later step.
    • --kubelet-arg 'config=/etc/rancher/k3s/kubelet.config' points to the kubelet configuration (see above).
    • --kube-scheduler-arg 'bind-address=' exposes the address endpoint on the Kube Scheduler for metrics scraping.
    • --kube-proxy-arg 'metrics-bind-address=' exposes the address endpoint on the Kube Proxy for metrics scraping.
    • --kube-controller-manager-arg 'bind-address=' exposes the address endpoint on the Kube Controller Manager for metrics scraping.
    • --kube-controller-manager-arg 'terminated-pod-gc-threshold=10' set a limit of 10 terminated pods that can exist before the garbage collector starts deleting terminated pods.
  • Extra arguments for k3s agent installation (i.e. Worker Nodes)
    • --node-label 'node_type=worker'adds a custom label to the worker node.
    • --kubelet-arg 'config=/etc/rancher/k3s/kubelet.config' points to the kubelet configuration (see above).
    • --kube-proxy-arg 'metrics-bind-address=' exposes the address endpoint on the Kube Proxy for metrics scraping.


Run the k3s-install playbook from the project root directory:

ansible-playbook playbooks/k3s-install.yml

Once the play completes you can check whether the cluster was successfully installed by logging into the master node and running kubectl get nodes. You should see something like the following:

deskpi@deskpi1:~ $ kubectl get nodes
NAME      STATUS   ROLES                  AGE VERSION
deskpi1   Ready    control-plane,master   33s v1.25.6+k3s1
deskpi2   Ready    worker                 32s v1.25.6+k3s1
deskpi3   Ready    worker                 32s v1.25.6+k3s1
deskpi4   Ready    worker                 32s v1.25.6+k3s1
deskpi5   Ready    worker                 32s v1.25.6+k3s1
deskpi6   Ready    worker                 32s v1.25.6+k3s1

If something went wrong during the installation you can check the installation log, which is saved to a file called k3s_install_log.txt in the home directory of root.

deskpi@deskpi1:~ $ sudo -i
root@deskpi1:~# cat k3s_install_log.txt
[INFO]  Finding release for channel stable
[INFO]  Using v1.25.6+k3s1 as release
[INFO]  Downloading hash
[INFO]  Downloading binary
[INFO]  Verifying binary download
[INFO]  Installing k3s to /usr/local/bin/k3s
[INFO]  Skipping installation of SELinux RPM
[INFO]  Creating /usr/local/bin/kubectl symlink to k3s
[INFO]  Creating /usr/local/bin/crictl symlink to k3s
[INFO]  Creating /usr/local/bin/ctr symlink to k3s
[INFO]  Creating killall script /usr/local/bin/
[INFO]  Creating uninstall script /usr/local/bin/
[INFO]  env: Creating environment file /etc/systemd/system/k3s.service.env
[INFO]  systemd: Creating service file /etc/systemd/system/k3s.service
[INFO]  systemd: Enabling k3s unit
[INFO]  systemd: Starting k3s

Uninstalling k3s

You can uninstall k3s by running the k3s-uninstall playbook:

ansible-playbook playbooks/k3s-uninstall.yml

Install additional packages

Post installation playbook

After k3s has been successfully set up on your cluster, you can run the k3s post-install playbook.


This playbook does the following:

  • Configures kubectl autocompletion and creates the alias kc for kubectl, which is automatically installed by the k3s installation script, on every host in the cluster.
  • Installs Helm, the package manager for kubernetes, which will be used to install other k8s packages.
  • Creates an NFS Storage Class, based on an NFS export, on the Control Plane.


Configuration variables can be found in the vars/config.yml. To configure the host as a local NFS Server, set the fact:

local_nfs_server: true

Alternatively, to set the location of a remote NFS Server, set the facts:

local_nfs_server: false
nfs_server: <ip_address_of_nfs>

In both cases ensure the path to the share is correct:

nfs_path: <path_to_share>


You can run the post-install playbook from the project root as follows:

ansible-playbook playbooks/k3s-post-install.yml

The tasks are tagged and can be played individually via the --tags argument for ansible-playbook

For example, to install specifically only Helm you can run the playbook as follows:

ansible-playbook playbooks/k3s-post-install.yml --tags "helm" 

Install additional packages

Packages for k3s are declared in the k3s-packages-install playbook, they are tagged and can be played individually via the --tags argument for ansible-playbook.

Package Tag
MetalLB metallb
Cert-Manager certmanager
Traefik traefik
Linkerd linkerd
Longhorn longhorn


ansible-playbook playbooks/k3s-packages-install.yml 

Packages can be individually installed with the corresponding tag, for example:

ansible-playbook playbooks/k3s-packages-install.yml --tags "metallb,certmanager,traefik" 


Prometheus is an open-source systems monitoring and alerting toolkit. We’ll use Helm to install the Kube-Prometheus stack into our K3s cluster.

The Kube-Prometheus stack typically installs the following components:

Helm and Kube-Prometheus pre-configure these components to scrape several endpoints in our cluster by default.

Such as, among others, the

  • cadvisor
  • kubelet
  • node-exporter /metrics endpoints on K8s Nodes,
  • K8s API server metrics endpoint
  • kube-state-metrics endpoints

To see a full list of configured scrape targets, refer to the Kube-Prometheus Helm chart’s values.yaml. You can find scrape targets by searching for serviceMonitor objects. To learn more about configuring the Kube-Prometheus stack’s scrape targets, see the ServiceMonitor spec in the Prometheus Operator GitHub repo.

The Kube-Prometheus stack also provisions several monitoring mixins. A 'mixin' is a collection of prebuilt Grafana dashboards, Prometheus recording rules, and Prometheus alerting rules.

In particular, it includes:

Mixins are written in Jsonnet, a data templating language, and generate JSON dashboard files and rules YAML files.

To learn more, check out

  • Generate config files (from the Prometheus Monitoring Mixins repo)
  • Grizzly (a tool for working with Jsonnet-defined assets against the Grafana Cloud API)


To install specifically only the Kube-Prometheus stack you can run the playbook with the a --tags argument:

ansible-playbook playbooks/k3s-packages.yml --tags "prometheus" 

A precondition is that Helm has already been installed.

Rook is a specialized Storage Operator for Kubernetes and orchestrates a Ceph Storage cluster solution.

With Ceph we can expose the NVMe SSD's installed on our DeskPi Super6c as a shared Filesystem (CephFS) on which we can mount an NFS.

Before installing Rook and Ceph ensure that the drives you wish to include in the Ceph cluster do not have formatted filesystems.

You can check that by executing the command lsblk -f and verifying that the FSTYPE field is empty on those devices you wish to have included in the Ceph cluster.

$ lsblk -f
NAME         FSTYPE FSVER LABEL  UUID                                 FSAVAIL FSUSE% MOUNTPOINT
├─mmcblk0p1  vfat   FAT32 boot   3772-58CD                             224.5M    12% /boot
└─mmcblk0p2  ext4   1.0   rootfs ee7f279a-1fe9-4c98-9f3c-83c7173683b7     23G    14% /

In the example above, we can use nvme0n1 for Ceph but not mmcblk0 or any of its partitions.

Additional Notes

Playbook to update software packages

You can run the update playbook to update all software packages on all the nodes configured in your deskPi cluster.

ansible-playbook playbooks/update.yml


My DeskPI Super6c Project







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